
This package is abandoned and no longer maintained. No replacement package was suggested.

selene filesystem

dev-development 2014-08-15 00:54 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2016-02-07 09:58:51 UTC


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use Selene\Components\Filesystem\Filesystem;

$filesystem = new Filesystem();


Deleting a file

unlink() deletes a file.


// or

Touching a files modification and access time


// Sets the current time for `filemtime` and `fileatime`.
// If the file doesn't exists, it will be created.

// Set modification and accesstime explicitly.
$filesystem->touch('/path/target_file.jpg', $time, $atime);

Ensure a file exists

ensureFile() is basically the same as touch except it won't touch the file unless it doesn't exist yet.



Dump content into a file

setContents() dumps content into a file. setContents() takes a second argument $writeFlags, see file_put_contents flags.
If the file doesn't exists, it will be created.


$filesystem->setContents('/path/target_file.txt', 'some content');

Get a files content

getContents() dumps the files content. It takes a second argument $readFlags, see file_get_contents flags.


$filesystem->getContents('/path/target_file.txt'); // returns 'some content'

Creating directories

mkdir() tries to create a directory. The method takes a second, boolean argument weather to recursivly create directories or not (default is true).



This however will throw an IOExecption if the target already exists. If you want to be sure a directory is only created if it doesn't exists yet, you can use Filesystem::ensureDirectory



Removing directories


// or

Listing directories


    ->directory('/path/dir') // returns an instance of Selene\Components\Filesystem\Directory
    ->get();  // returns an instance of Selene\Components\FileCollection

Copy files or directories

copy() creates a mirror of a file or a directory and all its contents. The second $target argument is optional. If omitted, copy() creates a new file name that is unique in the context of the current directory.


$filesystem->copy('/target', '/source');
$filesystem->copy('/target'); // creates '/target copy 1'
$filesystem->copy('/target'); // creates '/target copy 2'

// define the copy prefix
$filesystem->copy('/target'); // creates '/target Kopie 1'

Working with file permissions

All posix methods chmod(), chwon(), chgrp(), take a third boolean argument $recursive weather to change permission settings on all subdirectories or or not.

Change read/write permission on a file or directory


// for files:
$filesystem->chmod('target_file', 0644);

// for directories:
$filesystem->chmod('target_dir', 0777, true);

Change ownership on a file or directory


// for files:
$filesystem->chown('target_file', 'new_owner');
// or
$filesystem->chown('target_file', 500 /*the uid*/);

// for directories:
$filesystem->chown('target_dir', 'new_owner', true);

Change the filegroup on a file or directory


// for files:
$filesystem->chgrp('target_file', 'new_group');
// or
$filesystem->chgrp('target_file', 20 /*the gid*/);

// for directories:
$filesystem->chgrp('target_dir', 'new_group', true);
// or
$filesystem->chgrp('target_dir', 20 /*the gid*/, true);

Set appropriate file permissions using umask


// for files:
// or
$filesystem->mask('target_file', 0666);

// for directories:
// or
$filesystem->mask('target_file', 0755);

TODO: Working with files and directories

The directory object Directory

The directory object provides some convenient, chainable methods for interacting with the filesystem. It also allows to list an array representation of its root path. Both, the firectory- and the fileobject implement a arrayable and jsonabled interface, providing a toArray() and toJson() method.

Chainable methods are: remove(), mkdir(), rmdir(), chmod(), chown(), chgrp(), in(), notIn(), filter().

The file object File

These methods are chainable: remove(), mkdir(), rmdir(), chmod(), chown(), chgrp().

Creating a file- or directory object


use Selene\Components\Filesystem\File;
use Selene\Components\Filesystem\Directory;
use Selene\Components\Filesystem\Filesystem;

// get an instance of `Selene\Components\Filesystem\Directory`
$dir = $filesystem->directory('/path/target_dir'); 
// or
$dir = new Directory(new Filesystem, '/path/target_dir');

// get an instance of `Selene\Components\Filesystem\File`
$file = $filesystem->file('/path/target_file'); 
// or
$file = new File(new Filesystem, '/path/target_file');

Creating a file collection


// Get the directory contents as `FileCollection` instance:
$collection = $filesystem->directory('/path/target_dir')

// Get contents from a certain subdirectory or subdirectories:
$collection = $filesystem->directory('/path/target_dir')
    ->in(['sub_a', 'sub_b'])

// Exclude subdirectories:
$collection = $filesystem->directory('/path/target_dir')
    ->notIn(['sub_c', 'sub_d'])

// Filter for files:
// By now, `filter takes an arbitrary regeular expression. Glob matching is
// planed for the future. `
$collection = $filesystem->directory('/path/target_dir')

foreach ($collection as $fileName => $fileInfo) {
    if ($fileInfo->isDir()) {
        // ...      
    if ($fileInfo->isFile()) {
        // ...      
// export collection to an array:
// export collection to json
    ".": {
        "%directories%": {
            "source_tree": {
                "name": "source_tree",
                "path": "\/files\/source_tree",
                "lastmod": 1375118383,
                "type": "dir",
                "owner": 501,
                "group": 20,
                "%directories%": {
                    "nested_subtree": {
                        "name": "nested_subtree",
                        "path": "\/files\/source_tree\/nested_subtree",
                        "lastmod": 1375118383,
                        "type": "dir",
                        "owner": 501,
                        "group": 20
                "%files%": {
                    "bar.txt": {
                        "name": "bar.txt",
                        "path": "\/files\/source_tree\/bar.txt",
                        "lastmod": 1375118383,
                        "type": "file",
                        "owner": 501,
                        "group": 20,
                        "extension": "txt",
                        "mimetype": "text\/plain"