
A Laravel library with jQuery add-on to add tags (Boostrap badges) selected by an auto-completer.

3.3.0 2024-03-13 18:52 UTC


By Sébastien L'haire

A Laravel library with jQuery add-on to add tags (Boostrap badges) selected by an auto-completer.

It uses:


Demo site available here.


  1. composer require seblhaire/tagsinput
  2. Composer will automatically link the package with Laravel. But you still can explicitely add provider and facade to your config/app.php:
  'providers' => [
    'aliases' => [
        "AutocompleterHelper" => Seblhaire\Autocompleter\AutocompleterHelper::class,
        'TagsinputHelper' => Seblhaire\Tagsinput\TagsinputHelper::class
  1. Publish package (optionally).
$ php artisan vendor:publish
  1. For Javascript and stylesheets, see next section.

Javascript ans stylesheets

On a webpage, every JS library and CSS stylesheets can be linked separately. If you choose this classical way, first dowload and install above mentioned libraries. Then publish package files as explained above and put following tags in your template:

<script type="text/javascript" src="js/vendor/seblhaire/autocompleter/autocompleter.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="js/vendor/seblhaire/tagsinput/tagsinput.js"></script>
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" property="stylesheet" href="css/vendor/seblhaire/autocompleter/autocompleter.css"/>
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" property="stylesheet" href="css/vendor/seblhaire/tagsinput/tagsinput.css"/>

But websites often use many libraries and stylesheets and browser must download many files before the site can be rendered properly. Modern websites come with a single compressed Javascript file which concatenates necessary scripts; same principle for stylesheets. With Laravel you can use Laravel Mix to compile files.

Use NPM package manager : npm install bootstrap jquery

Then your js source file should be something like this:

global.jQuery = require('jquery');
var $ = global.jQuery;
var jQuery = global.JQuery;
window.$ = $;
window.jQuery = jQuery;

For your stylesheet:

@import '~bootstrap/scss/bootstrap';
@import "../../vendor/seblhaire/autocompleter/resources/css/autocompleter";
@import "../../vendor/seblhaire/tagsinput/resources/css/tagsinput";

Configuration file

Tagsinput library is customizable. Default values can be changed, either in configuration file, or by passing options in Facade function (see next section). If you want to modify default configuration file, publish package files and access to config/autocompleter.php and config/tagsinput.php.


Tagsinput package comes with a simple Facade.


Inits a tagsinput object and an autocompleter object that can be passed to the view.

TagsinputHelper::init($divid, $label, $url, $optionsAc, $optionsTags) where:

  • $divid: identifier of <div> that contains tags input component;
  • $label: label of tags input component;
  • $url : route that must be used by autocompleter to load data. See seblhaire/autocompleter
  • $optionsAc: autocompleter component option; array of options. See seblhaire/autocompleter. Option 'helptext' is automatically overriden. Option 'callback' is set by default by Tagsinput component, but you can write your own callback in case you need it.
  • $optionsTags: array of options.
    • 'maindivclass' : class for main component <div>. Default: 'form-group row'.
    • 'divlabelclass': class for <div> containing component label. Default: 'col-sm-2'.
    • 'divacclass': class for <div> containing autocompleter component. Default: 'col-sm-3'.
    • 'divtaglist': class for <div> containing tags. Default: 'col-sm-7'.
    • 'inputcontainerclass': class for <div> containing <input> tag and button. Default: 'input-group'.
    • 'addbuttoncontainerclass': class for <div> containing <button> tag. Default: 'input-group-append'.
    • 'addbuttonclass': class for <button>. Default: 'btn btn-primary'.
    • 'buttonlabelclass': class for <button>label. Default: 'fas fa-plus-circle'.
    • 'taglistclass': class for <ul> tag containing tag list. Default: 'taglist'.
    • 'tagclass': class for tag. Default: 'bg-primary'.
    • 'tagremovebtnclass': class for <i> tag containing tag remove button. Default: 'fas fa-trash-alt'.
    • 'helptextclass': class for <p> tag containing help text. Default: 'taginputhelper'. 'helptext' text to be displayed for help. Text can be string or translation key. Cf below.
    • 'showaddbutton' : toggles display of add element button. Default: true.
    • 'addbuttoncallback': name of function which must be triggered when clicking to add new element. Eg: this callback should display a form to add information. Default: null.
    • 'tagaddcallback': name of function which must be triggered when a new tag is added. Default: null. Example function: var showlist = function(tag, data, object){...} where:
      • tag is object for <span> element;
      • data is data attached to the tag (data return by Autocompleter);
      • object is the taginput JavaScript object.
    • 'tagremovecallback': name of function which must be triggered when a tag is removed. Default: null. Function parameters are like tagaddcallback.
    • 'taglabelelement': name of field in autocompleter result line containing text to display in tag. Default: 'taglabel'. See seblhaire/autocompleter.
    • tagclasselement: name of field in autocompleter results line that can be used to set a special tag class that is not the class by default. Default: tagclass.
    • 'field': name of field in result line containing data identifier or key. Default: 'id'. See seblhaire/autocompleter.
    • 'checkunicity': specify if value in tag list must be unique. If true, if same tag is selected twice, the second one is ignored and is not added to list. Default: true.
    • hiddeninput: automatically insert hidden input. This input will contain Tagsinput comma-separated results. Hidden input is named by Tagsinput object id followed by "-result".

To summarize in your controller insert:

$tagszone = TagsinputHelper::init(
        'resdivstyle' => [ //position autocompleter result list
          'width' => '430px',
          'top' => '-18px'
      [ /* tagslist options */ ]
    return view('tagsinput', [
      'tagszone' => $tagszone,

In your blade template, insert following at the place you want the tags list to appear:

{!! $tagszone !!} or {!! $tagszone->output() !!}

Output methods


This method output() prints tags and outputs tagsinput and autocompleter initialization script. It uses the above methods that you can also use to organize your code as you wish.


This method prints the label <div>.


This method prints the autocompleter zone.


This method prints the tag list zone.


This method prnts help text zone.


Prints autocompleter callback to add a new tag to list.


Prints initialization of autocompleter and tagsinput objects. Better insert it in jQuery(document).ready clause.


Prints hidden input to contain tagsinput comma-separated output.

Following methods can be used to manage tags list and to send tags list to other scripts with different formats.


Empties tags list.


Returns current tags list size.


Returns an array of tags list values. Eg: ["CH","FR"]


Returns a string with tags list values separated by comma. Eg.: CH,FR. This list is automatically inserted in hidden input if hiddeninput value is true.


Returns serialized values that can be used in a Javascript string to send values to a controller. In a blade template write for example:

let params = {!! $tagszone->printSerialize('country') !!}`

will output something like: let params = jQuery('#tagzone_taglist').data('tagsinput').serialize('country'); and content of variable params will be: country[]=CH&country[]=FR


This method can be used to pre-add values to the tag list at page initialization or after loading data by an Ajax script. $varia can be a simple Json object or an array of objects. {code:'CH', taglabel:'CH: Switzerland'} is an object that contains 2 fields: code labels the label value, the unique identifiers that will be return in tags list. This is the value of option field, Cf. above. tagnsinput is the label that will be displayed in tag, corresponding to option taglabelelement. Array of object is a comma-separated string of objects in square brackets []. Cf example below. Insert in blade template:

<script type="text/javascript">
    jQuery(document).ready(function() {
      {!! $tagszone->printAddToList("[{code:'CH', taglabel:'CH: Switzerland'},{code:'FR', taglabel:'FR: France'}]")!!};

This will output this string in code: jQuery('#tagzone_taglist').data('tagsinput').addtolist([{code:'CH', taglabel:'CH: Switzerland'},{code:'FR', taglabel:'FR: France'}]); Of course you can retrieve dynamic values from a database and pre-fill a form in order to edit database entries.

Translation keys

Laravel loads config files very early in process. Therefore config files cannot contain __('translation.key'). In order to solve this issue, we made an helper either to print directly strings or to send translation key to translation helper. Translation keys can be delimited by character # . Ex: "#tagsinput::messages.tagshelp#". Original translations are stored under vendor/seblhaire/tagsinput/resources/lang. If you publish package files, you can find translations in resources/lang/vendor/tagsinput/.

Feel free to translate keys in your own language and either to send it to the author or to do a merge request on GitHub.

Questions? Contributions?

Feel free to send feature requests or merge request to the author or simply to ask questions.