
2.2.0 2020-12-01 12:54 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-03-11 00:56:46 UTC


Test PHP


Easily output a simple flash message/notice to the page, but only once.

How to install

It's recommended you install this package via Composer.

composer require sebkay/noticeable

The notice is session based and will be removed on the next page refresh.

First you'll need to start a session. Put this at the very start of your project files (so it's the first thing that loads):


Then include the Composer autoloader so you have access to the package.

require __DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php';

How to use

Setting the notice

You can set a notice using the ::set static method. You need to pass a Noticeable\NoticeContent object which accepts a message and a type.

The type must be either info, success or error. Anything else with throw an InvalidArgumentException exception.

use Noticeable\Notice;
use Noticeable\NoticeContent;

    new NoticeContent('Please enter an email address.', 'error')

Getting the notice

When you get a notice it will return a Noticeable\NoticeContent object, like so:

$notice = Notice::get();


// Will return
Noticeable\NoticeContent Object
    [message:protected] => Please enter an email address.
    [type:protected] => error
    [allowed_types:protected] => Array
            [0] => info
            [1] => success
            [2] => error


Available Methods

$notice = Notice::get();

$notice->message(); // (string) Please enter an email address.

$notice->type(); // (string) error

Using the notice

Once you have the notice you can do whatever you want with it, like load a PHP file with some HTML to format the message.


I'm a big fan of Twig, so I would do something like this:

$notice = Notice::get();

echo $twig->render('notice.twig', [
    'message' => $notice->message(),
    'type'    => $notice->type()

Then I'll have the notice.twig file laid out like so:

{% if message %}
    {% if type == 'info' %}
        {% set css_class = 'notice--info' %}
    {% elseif type == 'success' %}
        {% set css_class = 'notice--success' %}
    {% elseif type == 'error' %}
        {% set css_class = 'notice--error' %}
    {% endif %}

    <div class="notice {{ css_class }}">
        <p class="notice__title">
            {{ message | raw }}
{% endif %}