
Validate that a certain value is a valid CSS color string in Laravel

4.4.2 2023-12-04 17:23 UTC

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Last update: 2024-05-04 18:12:38 UTC


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This package will let you validate that a certain value is a valid CSS color string.


Install via composer - In the terminal:

composer require scybulski/laravel-validator-color


You can use this package either by passing strings to Validator or using Rule Objects.

Validator strings

You need to register a service provider by adding the following to the providers array in your config/app.php


Then you can use the rules in a Controller or Form Request as following.

use Illuminate\Foundation\Http\FormRequest;

class MyClass extends FormRequest
    public function rules()
        return [
            'color'           => 'required|other_rule|color',
            'color_hex'       => 'required|other_rule|color_hex',
            'color_keyword'   => 'required|other_rule|color_keyword',
            'color_long_hex'  => 'required|other_rule|color_long_hex',
            'color_rgb'       => 'required|other_rule|color_rgb',
            'color_rgba'      => 'required|other_rule|color_rgba',
            'color_rgb_any'   => 'required|other_rule|color_rgb_any',
            'color_short_hex' => 'required|other_rule|color_short_hex',

Rule Objects

You can define validation rules in a Controller or Form Request as following.

use Illuminate\Foundation\Http\FormRequest;
use scybulski\Validator\Color\Rules\Color;
use scybulski\Validator\Color\Rules\ColorHex;
use scybulski\Validator\Color\Rules\ColorKeyword;
use scybulski\Validator\Color\Rules\ColorLongHex;
use scybulski\Validator\Color\Rules\ColorRgb;
use scybulski\Validator\Color\Rules\ColorRgba;
use scybulski\Validator\Color\Rules\ColorRgbAny;
use scybulski\Validator\Color\Rules\ColorShortHex;

class MyClass extends FormRequest
    public function rules()
        return [
            'color'           => ['required', 'other_rule', new Color],
            'color_hex'       => ['required', 'other_rule', new ColorHex],
            'color_keyword'   => ['required', 'other_rule', new ColorKeyword],
            'color_long_hex'  => ['required', 'other_rule', new ColorLongHex],
            'color_rgb'       => ['required', 'other_rule', new ColorRgb],
            'color_rgba'      => ['required', 'other_rule', new ColorRgba],
            'color_rgb_any'   => ['required', 'other_rule', new ColorRgbAny],
            'color_short_hex' => ['required', 'other_rule', new ColorShortHex],