
Laravel Text Local Package 2017-09-12 09:18 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-03-02 04:09:35 UTC



This package allows you to use the TextLocal API in your Laravel 5.5+ app. The core class is a modified version of the demo class provided by TextLocal on: and uses Guzzle to connect to the API and also provides some additional features not available in the demo class.


Step 1. Install the package in one of two ways:

EITHER via composer:

composer require scottybo/textlocal

OR by adding the following to your composer.json file and running "composer update"

"require": {
    "scottybo/textlocal": "1.3.*"

Step 2. Add the "TextLocal" facade in your config/app.php file

'aliases' => [
    'TextLocal' => Illuminate\Support\Facades\TextLocal::class,

Step 3. You'll now need to publish the configuration file using the command below. A file will be created: config/textlocal.php

php artisan vendor:publish --provider="App\TextLocalApi\TextLocalServiceProvider" --tag="config"

Step 4. Add your TextLocal credentials to your .env file

Important Either specify a Key OR a Hash - don't enter both!


Example usage

Important: View the API docs to see which commands you can use:

In this example we are going to create a command the grab received messages and displays them in the console, using the command php artisan textlocal:get-received-messages

namespace App\Console\Commands;
use Illuminate\Console\Command;
use TextLocal;

class GetReceivedMessages extends Command
     * The name and signature of the console command.
     * @var string
    protected $signature = 'textlocal:get-received-messages';
     * The console command description.
     * @var string
    protected $description = 'Find and store and messages received into Text Local';
     * Create a new command instance.
     * @return void
    public function __construct()
     * Execute the console command.
     * @return mixed
    public function handle()
        // Load our inboxes
        $inboxes = TextLocal::getInboxes();
        $start = 0;
        $limit = 1000;
        $min_time = strtotime('-1 day');
        $max_time = time(); // now
        // Loop through the inboxes
        foreach($inboxes->inboxes as $inbox) {
            // Load the messages for the current inbox (which we will call a folder)
            $folder = TextLocal::getMessages($inbox->id, $start, $limit, $min_time,$max_time);
            // If there are messages in the folder...
            if(sizeof($folder->messages) > 0) {
                foreach($folder->messages as $message) {

Available commands

  • getLastRequest ()
  • sendSms ($numbers, $message, $sender, $sched=null, $test=false, $receiptURL=null, $custom=null, $optouts=false, $simpleReplyService=false)
  • sendSmsGroup ($groupId, $message, $sender=null, $sched=null, $test=false, $receiptURL=null, $custom=null, $optouts=false, $simpleReplyService=false)
  • sendMms ($numbers, $fileSource, $message, $sched=null, $test=false, $optouts=false)
  • sendMmsGroup ($groupId, $fileSource, $message, $sched=null, $test=false, $optouts=false)
  • getUsers ()
  • transferCredits ($user, $credits)
  • getTemplates ()
  • checkKeyword ($keyword)
  • createGroup ($name)
  • getContacts ($groupId, $limit, $startPos=0)
  • createContacts ($numbers, $groupid= '5')
  • createContactsBulk ($contacts, $groupid= '5')
  • getGroups ()
  • getMessageStatus ($messageid)
  • getBatchStatus ($batchid)
  • getSenderNames ()
  • getInboxes ()
  • getBalance ()
  • getMessages ($inbox, $start, $limit, $min_time, $max_time)
  • cancelScheduledMessage ($id)
  • getScheduledMessages ()
  • deleteContact ($number, $groupid=5)
  • deleteGroup ($groupid)
  • getSingleMessageHistory ($start, $limit, $min_time, $max_time)
  • getAPIMessageHistory ($start, $limit, $min_time, $max_time)
  • getEmailToSMSHistory ($start, $limit, $min_time, $max_time)
  • getGroupMessageHistory ($start, $limit, $min_time, $max_time)
  • getSurveys ()
  • getSurveyDetails ()
  • getSurveyResults ($surveyid, $start, $end)
  • getOptouts ($time=null)


Want to contribute? Great - push away!


  • Tests not properly implemented

Licensed under MIT