
Laravel package for Unsplash Api

1.0.0 2020-09-14 14:03 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-01-14 10:59:12 UTC



This package contain pulic actions

Forked and updated to be compatible with Laravel 6


Via Composer

$ composer require scottybo/laravel-unsplash

If you do not run Laravel 5.5 (or higher), then add the service provider in config/app.php:


If you do run the package on Laravel 5.5+, package auto-discovery takes care of the magic of adding the service provider.

You must publish the configuration to provide an own service provider stub.

$ php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Scottybo\LaravelUnsplash\LaravelUnsplashServiceProvider"


See documention for params and others at unsplash docs

List of methods:


$unsplash  = new Scottybo\LaravelUnsplash\Photo();
$photos    = $unsplash->photos($params)->get();          // list of all photos
$photo     = $unsplash->single($id, $params)->get();     // single photo
$statistic = $unsplash->statistic($id, $params)->get();  // single photo statistics
$link      = $unsplash->download($id);                   // single photo download link
$photos    = $unsplash->curated($params)->get();         // list of curated photos
$photo     = $unsplash->random($params)->get();          // random photo

notice: you can use getArray() instead of get() to get array of result.

notice: single($id, $params) and random($params) have getID() and getURL() methods to get ID and URL for using in <img> tag.

$photos = $unsplash->random($params)->getURL(); // return


$unsplash     = new Scottybo\LaravelUnsplash\User();
$user         = $unsplash->single($username, $params)->get();       // single user
$portfolio    = $unsplash->portfolio($username);                    // single user's portfolio
$photos       = $unsplash->photos($username, $params)->get();       // single user's photos
$photos       = $unsplash->likes($username, $params)->get();        // single user's likes
$collections  = $unsplash->collections($username, $params)->get();  // single user's collections
$statistics   = $unsplash->statistics($username, $params)->get();   // single user's statistics

notice: you can use getArray() instead of get() to get array of result.


$unsplash    = new Scottybo\LaravelUnsplash\Collection();
$collection  = $unsplash->collections($params)->get(); // list of all collections
$collection  = $unsplash->single($id)->get(); // single collections
$photos      = $unsplash->photos($id, $params)->get(); // collection photos
$statistic   = $unsplash->statistic($id, $params)->get(); // single collections statistics
$collection  = $unsplash->curated($params)->get(); // list of curated collections
$collection  = $unsplash->related($id)->get(); // list of related collections
$collection  = $unsplash->featured($params)->get(); // list of featured collections

notice: you can use getArray() instead of get() to get array of result.


$unsplash   = new Scottybo\LaravelUnsplash\Search();
$photos     = $unsplash->photo($query, $params)->get();
$collection = $unsplash->collection($query, $params)->get();
$user       = $unsplash->user($query, $params)->get();

notice: you can use getArray() instead of get() to get array of result.