
Demo of the Scoilnet PHP SDK

dev-master 2014-10-31 14:36 UTC

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Last update: 2024-05-07 00:29:22 UTC


This website demo is a quick example of how to use the Scoilnet PHP SDK

For full documentation on the Scoilnet SDK, see Scoilnet's developer documentation

  1. Installation

This demo uses Composer to manage its dependencies. It is the recommended way to install it on your own server.

If you don't have Composer yet, download it following the instructions on or just run the following command:

curl -s | php

Then, use the create-project command to create the demo:

php composer.phar create-project -s dev scoilnet/php-sdk-demo path/to/site

Composer will install demo site and all its dependencies under the path/to/site directory.s

  1. Server Configurtion

Your server configuration should point to the web/ folder. When set up go to http://localhost/ and if everything was setup correctly you should see resource showing and be able to preform searches.

  1. Generate your own keys

You should generate your own api keys. To do this go to Application Manager on Scoilnet and create a new application. Take a note of the client id, client secret, and api key. Now open the index.php file in the web folder and change the client_id, client_secret, and api_key to the ones you made on the Scoilnet site.

protected $oAuth2Config = [
                //Update the following keys with your own. Go to to optain your own keys.
                "client_id" =>"Your Client Id", 
                "client_secret" =>"Your Client Secret",
                "api_key" => "Your api key",