
Create Symfony\Component\Finder instances by configuration

1.1.0 2018-03-18 18:54 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-02-26 04:06:37 UTC



Create Symfony\Component\Finder instances by configuration


$ composer require schnittstabil/finder-by-config


    "require": {
        "schnittstabil/finder-by-config": ...
    "extra": {
        "you/your-package": {
            "simple": ["src", "tests", "composer.json"],
            "extended": {
                "in": ["."],
                "name": ["*.php", "*.json"],
                "notName": ["*Test.php"],
                "size": ["> 1K"],
                "exclude": ["build", "vendor"],
                "ignoreDotFiles": true,
                "ignoreVCS": true,
                "followLinks": false,
                "ignoreUnreadableDirs": false
$config = json_decode(file_get_contents('composer.json'))->extra->{'you/your-package'};

$finder = \Schnittstabil\FinderByConfig\FinderByConfig::createFinder($config->simple);
$finder = \Schnittstabil\FinderByConfig\FinderByConfig::createFinder($config->extended);

Supported configuration options

For details see the Finder Component Documentation.

Option Type Description
directories bool directories only
files bool files only
depth `string string[]`
date `string string[]`
name `string string[]`
notName `string string[]`
contains `string string[]`
notContains `string string[]`
path `string string[]`
notPath `string string[]`
size `string string[]`
exclude `string string[]`
ignoreDotFiles bool exclude directories and files starting with a dot
ignoreVCS bool exclude version control directories
addVCSPattern `string string[]`
sortByName bool sorts by name
sortByType bool sorts by type
sortByAccessedTime bool sorts by the last accessed time
sortByChangedTime bool sorts by the last inode changed time
sortByModifiedTime bool sorts by the last modified time
followLinks bool follow symlinks
ignoreUnreadableDirs bool ignore unreadable directories
in `string string[]`


MIT © Michael Mayer