
Checks whether some element resp. key in an array passes a test implemented by a callback function.

1.0.0 2016-04-11 07:37 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-02-26 03:21:32 UTC



Checks whether some element resp. key in an array passes a test implemented by a callback function


$ composer require schnittstabil/array_some


use function Schnittstabil\ArraySome\array_some;

array_some(['l', 'e', 'e', 't'], 'is_string'); // => true
array_some([ 1,   3,   3,   7 ], 'is_string'); // => false

use function Schnittstabil\ArraySome\array_some_key;

array_some_key(['unicorns' => 24], 'is_string'); // => true
array_some_key([42 => 'unicorns'], 'is_string'); // => false


 * Checks whether some element in the array passes the test implemented by the callback function.
 * @param array    $array    The array to iterate over
 * @param callable $callback The callback function to use
 * @return bool
function array_some(array $array, callable $callback);

 * Checks whether some key in the array passes the test implemented by the callback function.
 * @param array    $array    The array to iterate over
 * @param callable $callback The callback function to use
 * @return bool
function array_some_key(array $array, callable $callback);


MIT © Michael Mayer