
Add powerful HTML tag helpers to your Laravel application

v1.0.6 2024-08-30 00:10 UTC


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This package allows you to register custom "tag helpers" in your Laravel application. These helpers can modify the HTML code.

It is a fork of beyondcode/laravel-tag-helper

What the difference between this package and the original one?

This package is focused on element attributes, while the original proposes to implement custom elements. This package also has a better test coverage and a more robust codebase.

To use custom elements, try to create Blade Components instead.

Why should I use this package?

To create shortcuts for common HTML patterns and reduce the double bracket usage in your Blade templates.

Built-In Helpers

CSRF Token

Instead of writing this:

    <input type="hidden" name="_token" value="csrf-token">    

You can write this:

<form csrf>

Form Method

Instead of writing this:

<form method="post">
    <input type="hidden" name="_method" value="DELETE">

You can write this:

<form method="delete">


Instead of writing this:

<a href="{{ route('home') }}">Home</a>

You can write this:

<a route="home">Home</a>


Instead of writing this:

<link href="{{ asset('asset.css') }}" .../>
<style src="{{ asset('asset.js') }}" .../>
<script src="{{ asset('asset.js') }}" .../>

You can write this:

<link asset="asset.css" .../>
<style asset="asset.js" .../>
<script asset="asset.js" .../>

Conditional Attributes

Instead of writing this:

    <div class="bg-red-500"></div>

    <div class="bg-red-500"></div>

    <div class="bg-red-500"></div>

    <div class="bg-red-500"></div>

You can write this:

<div class="bg-red-500" if="$condition"></div>

<div class="bg-red-500" isset="$condition"></div>

<div class="bg-red-500" empty="$condition"></div>

<div class="bg-red-500" unless="$condition"></div>

NOTE: else and elseif are not supported.

Guest and Auth

Instead of writing this:

    <div class="bg-red-500"></div>

<div class="bg-red-500"></div>

    <div class="bg-red-500"></div>

<div class="bg-red-500"></div>

You can write this:

<div class="bg-red-500" auth="web"></div>

<div class="bg-red-500" :auth="$what"></div>

<div class="bg-red-500" guest="web"></div>

<div class="bg-red-500" :guest="$what"></div>


You can install the package via composer:

composer require schivei/laravel-tag-helper


You can create your own Tag Helper, by creating a new class and extend from the Schivei\TagHelper\Helper class. Within this class you can define on which HTML elements and attributes your helper should be triggered:


namespace Schivei\TagHelper\Helpers;

use Schivei\TagHelper\Helper;
use Schivei\TagHelper\Html\HtmlElement;

class CustomTagHelper extends Helper
    protected $targetAttribute = 'custom';

    protected $targetElements = ['div'];

    protected function _process(HtmlElement $element)
        // Manipulate the element

To use and apply this tag helper, you need to register it. Typically, you would do this in the AppServiceProvider boot() method or a service provider of your own.


Pay attention, the $autoRemoveAttribute property is set to true by default. If you do not want to remove the attribute after processing, you can set it to false.

Since you only register the class name of the custom tag helper, you can use dependency injection inside your custom helper class.

Binding your helper to HTML elements and attributes

In your custom tag helper, you can use the $targetAttribute and $targetElements properties to specify which HTML element (div, form, a, etc.) and attributes (<div custom="value />, <form method="post">, etc.) you want to bind this helper to.

If you do not provide a targetElements on your own, this package will target to all elements with a specific attribute, like this:

class CustomTagHelper extends Helper
    protected $targetAttribute = 'my-attribute';
    // ...

This tag helper would be called for every HTML element that has a my-attribute attribute.

Manipulating DOM Elements

Once your tag helper successfully matches one or multiple HTML elements, the process method of your tag helper will be called.

Inside of this method, you can manipulate the HTML element.

Available features:

Prepend / Append outer HTML

You can add HTML before or after the current element.


namespace Schivei\TagHelper\Helpers;

use Schivei\TagHelper\Helper;
use Schivei\TagHelper\Html\HtmlElement;

class CustomLink extends Helper
    protected $targetElement = 'my-custom-link';

    protected function _process(HtmlElement $element)
        $element->prependOuterHtml('<div class="custom-link">');

Prepend / Append / Replace inner HTML

You can add HTML inside the current element, only if the element is not self-closing only.


namespace Schivei\TagHelper\Helpers;

use Schivei\TagHelper\Helper;
use Schivei\TagHelper\Html\HtmlElement;

class CustomLink extends Helper
    protected $targetElement = 'my-custom-link';

    protected function _process(HtmlElement $element)
        $element->prependInnerHtml('<span class="custom-link">');
        $element->replaceInnerHtml('<span class="custom-link">Hello</span>');

Manipulating Attributes

You can also add, edit or delete HTML element attributes.

In this example, we are binding our helper to all link tags that have a custom route attribute. We then update the href attribute of our link, remove the route attribute and add a new title attribute.


namespace Schivei\TagHelper\Helpers;

use Schivei\TagHelper\Helper;
use Schivei\TagHelper\Html\HtmlElement;

class CustomLink extends Helper
    protected $targetAttribute = 'route';
    protected $targetElement = 'a';

    protected function _process(HtmlElement $element)
        $element->setAttribute('href', route($element->getAttribute('route')));
        $element->setAttribute('title', 'This is a link.');

Passing variables to your tag helpers

You can pass attribute values to your tag helpers as you would usually pass attributes to HTML elements. Since the modifications of your tag helpers get cached, you should always return valid Blade template output in your modified attribute values.

You can not directly access the variable content inside your tag helper, but only get the attribute string representation.

For example, to get the attribute value of the method attribute:

<form method="post"></form>

You can access this data, using the getAttribute method inside your helper:


namespace Schivei\TagHelper\Helpers;

use Schivei\TagHelper\Helper;
use Schivei\TagHelper\Html\HtmlElement;

class CustomForm extends Helper
    protected $targetElement = 'form';

    protected function _process(HtmlElement $element)
        $formMethod = $element->getAttribute('method');

If you want to write Blade output, you sometimes need to know if the user passed a variable or function call, or a string value. To tell the difference, users can pass variable data by prefixing the attribute using a colon.

If you want to output this attribute into a blade template, you can then use the getAttributeForBlade method, and it will either give you an escaped string representation of the attribute - or the unescaped representation, in case it got prefixed by a colon.

For example:

<a :route="home">Home</a>

namespace Schivei\TagHelper\Helpers;

use Schivei\TagHelper\Helper;
use Schivei\TagHelper\Html\HtmlElement;

class CustomForm extends Helper
    protected $targetElement = 'a';

    protected $targetAttribute = 'route';

    protected function _process(HtmlElement $element)
        $element->setAttribute('href', "{{ route(" . $element->getAttributeForBlade('route') . ") }}");

This will output:

<a href="{{ route('home') }}">Home</a>

But if you pass a dynamic parameter like this:

<a :route="$routeVariable">Home</a>

This will output:

<a href="{{ route($routeVariable) }}">Home</a>

This way you do not need to manually care about escaping and detecting dynamic variables.


composer test


Please see Releases for more information what has changed recently.


Please see CONTRIBUTING for details.


If you discover any security related issues, please email instead of using the issue tracker.



The MIT License (MIT). Please see License File for more information.