
Primitive stopwatch with simple start and stop for measurement of every single time periods and whole time

v1.2.3 2023-02-10 23:48 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-03-11 04:34:08 UTC


Primitive stopwatch, with simple start and stop methods, for measurement of every single time periods and all time whole.

How to install

composer require sbwerewolf/stopwatch

How to use

echo 'Duration is ' .
    (new \SbWereWolf\Stopwatch\HRTimeStopwatch())
    ->start()->stop()->getLastTime()->asNanoSeconds() .
    ' ns' .
Duration is 300 ns

Stopwatch available with different engines:

  • hrtime()
  • microtime()
  • DateTimeImmutable

\SbWereWolf\Stopwatch\HRTimeStopwatch implements hrtime() engine.

\SbWereWolf\Stopwatch\MicroTimeStopwatch implements microtime() engine.

\SbWereWolf\Stopwatch\DateTimeStopwatch implements DateTimeImmutable engine.

Advanced usage

$stopwatch = new SbWereWolf\Stopwatch\HRTimeStopwatch();
echo (new DateTimeImmutable())->format('s.u') . PHP_EOL;

time_nanosleep(0, 100);

echo (new DateTimeImmutable())->format('s.u') .
    ' Period 1 duration: ' .
    $stopwatch->getLastTime()->asNanoSeconds() .
    ' ns' .

time_nanosleep(0, 100);

time_nanosleep(0, 100);

echo (new DateTimeImmutable())->format('s.u') .
    ' Period 2 duration: ' .
    $stopwatch->getLastTime()->asNanoSeconds() .
    ' ns' .

/* Summa of all time periods */
echo (new DateTimeImmutable())->format('s.u') .
    ' Periods 1 + 2 summary duration: ' .
    $stopwatch->getSummaryTime()->asNanoSeconds() .
    ' ns' .

/* Overall time */
echo (new DateTimeImmutable())->format('s.u') .
    ' Whole process duration: ' .
    $stopwatch->getWholeTime()->asNanoSeconds() .
    ' ns' .
02.380020 Period 1 duration: 12400 ns
02.380032 Period 2 duration: 3600 ns
02.380035 Periods 1 + 2 summary duration: 16000 ns
02.380044 Whole process duration: 24000 ns

Using a stopwatch to benchmark any process

$stopwatch = new SbWereWolf\Stopwatch\HRTimeStopwatch();
$benchmark = new SbWereWolf\Stopwatch\Benchmark($stopwatch);

$delay = 100;
echo "Variable value before step z callback `$delay`" . PHP_EOL;
/* Variable value before step z callback `100` */
$benchmark->step('z', function () use ($delay) {
    time_nanosleep(0, $delay);
echo "after step z callback `$delay`" . PHP_EOL;
/* after step z callback `100` */
/* Variable does not change its value */

$benchmark->step('x', function () use (&$delay) {
    time_nanosleep(0, $delay);
    $delay += 999;
echo "after step x callback `$delay`" . PHP_EOL;
/* after step x callback `1099` */
/* Variable does change its value */

$benchmark->step('c', function () use (&$delay) {
    $delay -= 999;
    time_nanosleep(0, $delay);
echo "after step c callback `$delay`" . PHP_EOL;
/* after step c callback `100` */
/* Variable does change its value */

echo "Benchmark steps measurement is:" . PHP_EOL;
foreach ($benchmark->report() as $desc => $val) {
    /** @var SbWereWolf\Stopwatch\ITimerReadings $val */
    echo "$desc => {$val->asNanoSeconds()} ns" . PHP_EOL;

$totalNanoseconds = $benchmark->total()->asNanoSeconds();
echo "Total is $totalNanoseconds ns";
variable value before step z `100`
after step z `100`
after step x `1099`
after step c `100`
Benchmark steps measurement is:
z => 15800 ns
x => 7600 ns
c => 4100 ns
Total is 27500 ns


Volkhin Nikolay
phone +7-902-272-65-35
Telegram @sbwerewolf

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