
1.0.0 2019-11-07 15:21 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-03-06 23:45:17 UTC



Use composer package manager

composer require saulmoralespa/mipaquete-api-php
// ... please, add composer autoloader first
include_once __DIR__ . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'vendor' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'autoload.php';

// import webservice class
use Mipaquete\Client;

$email = ""; // your email of Mipaquete
$password = "87654321" // your password of Mipaquete

$mipaquete = new Client($email, $password);
$this->mipaquete->sandboxMode(true); //true for tests, false for production

POST Sending: Calculate sending - Messaging

$params = [
            "type" => 2, //1 paqueteria, 2 Mensajería
            "origin" => "5aa1bc55b63d79e54e7da753",
            "destiny" => "5aa1bc55b63d79e54e7da753",
            "weight" => 3,
            "declared_value" => 3000,
            "quantity" => 1,
            "special_service" => 2, //0 ninguno, 2 recaudo, 3  para retorno de documento firmado
            "value_collection" => 2000,
            "payment_type" => 1, // 1 pago con saldo, 5 pago con recaudo
            "value_select" => 3, //criterio selección 1 precio, 2 tiempo, 3 servicio
            "delivery" => "5cb0f5fd244fe2796e65f9c"

    $response = $mipaquete->calculateSending($params);
catch (\Exception $exception){
    echo $exception->getMessage();

POST Sending: Calculate sending - Packaging

$params = [
            "type" => 1, //1 paqueteria, 2 Mensajería
            "origin" => "5aa1bc46b63d79e54e7da346",
            "destiny" => "5aa1bc46b63d79e54e7da346",
            "width" => 3,
            "height" => 2,
            "large" => 4,
            "weight" => 7,
            "declared_value" => 3000,
            "quantity" => 1,
            "payment_type" => 1, // 1 pago con saldo, 5 pago con recaudo
            "value_select" => 3, //criterio selección 1 precio, 2 tiempo, 3 servicio
            "delivery" => "5cb0f5fd244fe2796e65f9c"

    $response = $mipaquete->calculateSending($params);
catch (\Exception $exception){
    echo $exception->getMessage();

GET Sending: Gets a list of sendings

    $page = 1; //Paginación de resultados
    $response = $mipaquete->getListSendings($page);
catch (\Exception $exception){
    echo $exception->getMessage();

PUT Sending: Cancel sendings

    $id = "5dc431d3cd24f62a991010bd";  //Clave principal del envío
    $response = $mipaquete->cancelSending($id);
catch (\Exception $exception){
    echo $exception->getMessage();

GET Sending: Gets a list of towns

    $response = $mipaquete->getListTowns();
catch (\Exception $exception){
    echo $exception->getMessage();

GET Sending: Get a single sending

    $id = "5d5ffcb4fa561b7a086a882d"; //Clave principal del envío
     $response = $mipaquete->getSingleSending();
catch (\Exception $exception){
    echo $exception->getMessage();

POST Sending: Messaging sending

$params = [
            "type" => 2,
            "weight" => 3,
            "declared_value" => 3000,
            "sender" => [
                "name" => "Test",
                "surname" => "Test",
                "phone" => 3546754,
                "cell_phone" => "3009887654",
                "email" => "",
                "collection_address" => "Calle 2 #54-23",
                "nit" => "10038475643"
            "receiver" => [
                "name" => "rewrw",
                "surname" => "rewrw",
                "phone" => 4233452,
                "cell_phone" => 3004938245,
                "email" => "",
                "destination_address"=> "Calle 23 C #23-54"
            "origin" => "5aa1bc46b63d79e54e7da346",
            "destiny" => "5aa1bc46b63d79e54e7da346",
            "quantity" => 1,
            "comments" => " ",
            "special_service" => 2, //0 ninguno, 2 recaudo, 3  para retorno de documento firmado
            "payment_type" => 5, // 1 pago con saldo, 5 pago con recaudo
            "collection_information" => [
            "bank" => "Bancolombia",
            "type_account" => "A",
            "number_account" => 3004938484,
            "name_beneficiary" => "Test Sender",
            "number_beneficiary" => 3004938484
            "value_collection" => 2000,
            "delivery" => "5cb0f5fd244fe2796e65f9c",
            "alternative" => 1
    $response = $mipaquete->sendingType($params);
catch (\Exception $exception){
    echo $exception->getMessage();

POST Sending: Packaging sending

$params = [
            "type" => 1,
            "width" => 3,
            "large" => 4,
            "height" => 2,
            "weight" => 7,
            "declared_value" => 3000,
            "sender" => [
                "name" => "Test",
                "surname" => "Test",
                "phone" => 3546754,
                "cell_phone" => "3009887654",
                "email" => "",
                "collection_address" => "Calle 3 #54-23",
                "nit" => "10038475643"
            "receiver" => [
                "name" => "rewrw",
                "surname" => "rewrw",
                "phone" => 4232,
                "cell_phone" => 432423,
                "email" => "",
                "destination_address" => "casdsa"
            "origin" => "5aa1bc46b63d79e54e7da346",
            "destiny" => "5aa1bc46b63d79e54e7da346",
            "quantity" => 1,
            "comments" => "",
            "payment_type" => 1,  // 1 pago con saldo, 5 pago con recaudo
            "delivery" => "5cb0f5fd244fe2796e65f9c",
            "alternative" => 1

    $response = $mipaquete->sendingType($params);
catch (\Exception $exception){
    echo $exception->getMessage();

GET Sending: Novelties sending - Working in production

    $id = "5d5ffcb4fa561b7a086a882d"; //Clave principal del envío
    $response = $mipaquete->getNoveltiesSending($id);
catch (\Exception $exception){
    echo $exception->getMessage();