
Simple ORM for MySQL and MSSQL


More detailed documentation -


composer require sanovskiy/simple-object

How to generate models

See cli/generate-models-example.php

About PKs

Don't forget that table PK must be named id

Model properties naming

All models and model properties properties are named in CamelCase by splitting table name or column by underscores. I.e: field model_id become property ModelId. Column SomeLongFieldName become Somelongfieldname.

Use robmorgan/phinx ( to make fully supported tables

Using models

Finding entities

$users = User::find(['role' => 'admin','is_active > ?' => 0]);

Getting entity

$user = User::one(['email' => '']);

OR by PK

$user = new User(1);

Populating models

You can use Collection to form self-controlled collection

$sql = 'Complex query which selects  all columns from user table';
$bind = ['some'=>'bind','params'=>'for select'];

$users = User::factory($sql,$bind);

Accessing properties

Model propertias are accessible by column name and CamelCase variant

$user = new User();
$user->UserName = 'johnsmith'; // table column is user_name
$user->email = ''; // also works as Email
$user->is_active = false;

Data transforming

All data can be transformed after loading and before writing. Rules are stores in static::$dataTransformRules

You can specify you own transformations for read and write.

class User extends Base_User

    const ROLE_ADMIN = 'admin';
    const ROLE_USER  = 'user';

     * @param $value
     * @return string
    public static function roleTransformToAvailable($value)
        if (!in_array($value, [static::ROLE_ADMIN, static::ROLE_USER])) {
            $value = static::ROLE_USER;
        return $value;

User::setReadTransform('role', 'custom_role', ['callback' => [User::class, 'roleTransformToAvailable']]);
User::setWriteTransform('role', 'custom_role', ['callback' => [User::class, 'roleTransformToAvailable']]);

This will make any value of role field to 'user' if it is not 'user' or 'admin'. Custom transformations must start from 'custom_' and must contain proper callback. Callback function first parameter must be $value.

There are some built in transformations like tinyint(1) to bool, datetime to unix timestamp and others. See Transform class.