
Laravel localization labels dashboard



🌍 Larabels - Laravel localization labels dashboard 🌏

68747470733a2f2f696d672e736869656c64732e696f2f7061636b61676973742f767072652f73616e64756c61742f6c61726162656c732e737667 68747470733a2f2f696d672e736869656c64732e696f2f6769746875622f6c6963656e73652f73616e64756c61742f6c61726162656c732e737667 68747470733a2f2f696d672e736869656c64732e696f2f747769747465722f666f6c6c6f772f73616e64756c61742e7376673f7374796c653d736f6369616c


Larabels is an editor for your Laravel localization files.

The main purpose of this package is to allow non-technical people commit label updates directly to the repository in development environments. It automatically parses all languages by folders from resources/lang and all localization files from each language.

Larabels is built to work exclusively with Git. As you've might seen in the screenshot above, we've got 3 buttons fixed to the bottom of screen:

Save - all labels from all languages will be exported to resources/lang.

Reset - all the changes exported to resources/lang are reverted to original state.

Commit & Push - all the changes are commited and pushed to origin HEAD.

Note: you (or the server) must have passwordless push access to the repository.


composer require sandulat/larabels
php artisan larabels:install

The last command will publish Larabel's service provider, config and public front-end assets.

Note: to re-publish the front-end assets when updating the package use: php artisan larabels:publish


By default Larabels will be accessible by anyone in a local environment only. However it provides a customizable gate that limits access in production environments. See the gate() method inside the published LarabelsServiceProvider:

 * Register the Larabels gate.
 * This gate determines who can access Larabels in non-local environments.
 * @return void
protected function gate()
    Gate::define('viewLarabels', function ($user) {
        return in_array($user->email, [


Larabels works without any additional configuration, however it provides a config (config/larabels.php) with these options:

Option Default Value Description
enabled env('LARABELS_ENABLED', true) This option may be used to disable Larabels direct route access. Note: Larabels views will ignore this option so you can include them in your project.
middleware [\Sandulat\Larabels\Http\Middleware\Authorize::class] These middlewares will be assigned to every Larabels route. Note that in any case Larabels routes implicitly belong to the "web" middleware.
whitelist [] This value determines which localization files should be included in the dashboard. Files will be loaded from /resources/lang/{locale}. Use file names without extension: auth, pagination, validation, passwords, etc. Leave empty to load all files.
path /larabels This value determines the base route path where the dashboard will be accessible from.


If you would like to include the Larabels editor view directly into your personal dashboard, set the environment option LARABELS_ENABLED to false to disable direct access to the Larabels route. Now add @include('larabels::app') wherever you'd like.

Larabels is splitted into partials so you can easily cutomize the look. Inside the path resources/views create the folder vendor/larabels.

Now you can override the default Larabels views:

  • components/card.blade.php
  • partials/action_buttons.blade.php
  • partials/container.blade.php
  • partials/label.blade.php
  • partials/locale_button.blade.php


Created by Stratulat Alexandru.
