
An elegant way to manage the identity access management for the Laravel framework

1.0.6 2020-06-09 13:35 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-04-09 22:00:12 UTC


An elegant way to manage the identity access management for the Laravel framework. An approach being taken with the following points in mind:

  1. If you want to have a seperate Identity access management dashboard.
  2. Your existing application user table will not be affected.
  3. Customizable configurations via the config file.
  4. Roles and permissions setup with spatie permissions package. Thanks to their wonderful work.


  1. Laravel version support from 5.6 onwards.
  2. Seperate Identity Access Management dashboard
  3. Manage users
  4. Manage roles
  5. Manage permissions
  6. Impersonate users login


Via Composer

    composer require saibal-roy/laravel-iam

Create Authentication scaffolding: For Laravel version < 5.8

    php artisan make:auth

For Laravel version 6.x

    composer require laravel/ui "^1.0" --dev
    php artisan ui bootstrap --auth

For Laravel version 7.x

    composer require laravel/ui
    php artisan ui bootstrap --auth

Please make sure laravel authentication scaffolding is being completed before you proceed further.


    php artisan migrate
    php artisan laravel-iam:setup-root # to setup the root user
    php artisan laravel-iam:publish --force # for each new package update for all publishable contents

Default Credentials and Dashboard

    Username :
    Password : secret
    User : {domain}/iam or localhost:8000/iam (locally)


Artisan commands

# for each new package update for all publishable contents
php artisan laravel-iam:publish --force

# can also use it to reset the root user credentials
php artisan laravel-iam:setup-root

Advanced Usage

Config constants that can be modified via .env

#   /*
#    |--------------------------------------------------------------------------
#    | LaravelIAM Identity configurations
#    |--------------------------------------------------------------------------
#    |
#    | This configuration options determines the identity table that will
#    | be used to store Laravel IAM's data. In addition,
#    | you may set any custom options as needed.
#    |
#    */

    'identity_table' => env('LARAVELIAM_TABLE', 'users'),
    'identity_pk' => env('LARAVELIAM_TBL_PK_COLUMN', 'email'),
    'identity_name' => env('LARAVELIAM_TBL_NAME_COLUMN', 'name'),
    'identity_password' => env('LARAVELIAM_TBL_PWD_COLUMN', 'password'),

#   /*
#    |--------------------------------------------------------------------------
#    | LaravelIAM Root User values
#    |--------------------------------------------------------------------------
#    |
#    | This configuration options determines the root user credentials. In addition,
#    | you may set any custom options as needed.
#    |
#    */

    'sudo_user_name' => 'sudo',
    'sudo_user_pk' => '',
    'sudo_password' => 'secret'

Get the LarvelIam User wrapper to access all the roles and permissions of spatie package.


Check the current user is a allowed user for viewing LaravelIam Dashboard.


Change log

Please see the changelog for more information on what has changed recently.


If you discover any security related issues, please email instead of using the issue tracker.


MIT license. Please see the license file for more information.