
Table Data Gateway implementation for Postgres based on pg_builder, mix and match manually written SQL with query builder API

v0.4.0 2024-08-31 15:38 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-10-01 00:17:27 UTC


Build Status

Static Analysis

This is a Table Data Gateway implementation built upon pg_wrapper and pg_builder packages.

Using those packages immediately allows

  • Transparent conversion of PHP types to Postgres types and back;
  • Writing parts of the query as SQL strings while later processing those parts as Nodes in the Abstract Syntax Tree.


Require the package with composer:

composer require sad_spirit/pg_gateway

Design goals

  • Code generation is not necessary, default gateway implementations are useful as-is.
  • Gateways are aware of the table metadata: columns, primary key, foreign keys.
  • It is possible to cache the generated SQL, skipping the whole parsing/building process.
  • API encourages building parametrized queries.
  • Queries built by several Gateways can be combined via joins / EXISTS() / etc.

Usage example

Assuming the following database schema

create schema example;

create table example.users (
    id integer not null generated by default as identity,
    login text not null,
    password_hash text not null,
    constraint users_pkey primary key (id)

create table example.roles (
    id integer not null generated by default as identity,
    name text not null,
    description text,
    constraint roles_pkey primary key (id)

create table example.users_roles (
    user_id integer not null,
    role_id integer not null,
    valid_from date,
    valid_to date,
    constraint users_roles_pkey primary key (user_id, role_id),
    constraint roles_users_fkey foreign key (user_id)
        references example.users (id)
        on delete cascade on update restrict,
    constraint users_roles_fkey foreign key (role_id)
        references example.roles (id)
        on delete cascade on update restrict

we can use default gateways and default builders to perform a non-trivial query to the above tables

use sad_spirit\pg_gateway\{
use sad_spirit\pg_wrapper\Connection;

$connection = new Connection('...');
$locator    = new TableLocator($connection);

$adminRoles = $locator->createGateway('example.roles')
    ->select(fn(FluentBuilder $builder) => $builder
        ->operatorCondition('name', '~*', 'admin')
            ->replace('/^/', 'role_'));

$activeAdminRoles = $locator->createGateway('example.users_roles')
    ->select(fn(FluentBuilder $builder) => $builder
        ->sqlCondition("current_date between coalesce(self.valid_from, 'yesterday') and coalesce(self.valid_to, 'tomorrow')")
            ->only(['valid_from', 'valid_to']));

$activeAdminUsers = $locator->createGateway('example.users')
    ->select(fn(FluentBuilder $builder) => $builder
            ->replace('/^/', 'user_')
        ->orderBy('user_login, role_name')

// Let's assume we want to output that list with pagination
echo "Total users with active admin roles: " . $activeAdminUsers->executeCount() . "\n\n";

foreach ($activeAdminUsers as $row) {

echo $activeAdminUsers->createSelectCountStatement()->getSql() . ";\n\n";
echo $activeAdminUsers->createSelectStatement()->getSql() . ';';

where the last two echo statements will output something similar to

select count(self.*)
from example.users as self, example.users_roles as gw_1, example.roles as gw_2
where gw_2."name" ~* $1::"text"
    and gw_1.role_id =
    and current_date between coalesce(gw_1.valid_from, 'yesterday') and coalesce(gw_1.valid_to, 'tomorrow')
    and gw_1.user_id =;

select as role_id, gw_2."name" as role_name, gw_1.valid_from, gw_1.valid_to, as user_id,
    self.login as user_login
from example.users as self, example.users_roles as gw_1, example.roles as gw_2
where gw_2."name" ~* $1::"text"
    and gw_1.role_id =
    and current_date between coalesce(gw_1.valid_from, 'yesterday') and coalesce(gw_1.valid_to, 'tomorrow')
    and gw_1.user_id =
order by user_login, role_name
limit $2;



pg_gateway requires at least PHP 7.4 with native pgsql extension.

Minimum supported PostgreSQL version is 10.

It is highly recommended to use PSR-6 compatible cache in production, both for metadata lookup and for generated queries.