
Easily stream your Laravel application logs to the browser console.log in real-time using server-sent event (SSE)

1.0.0 2024-06-17 06:15 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-02-18 07:26:12 UTC


Main Window two

Easily stream your Laravel application logs to the browser console tab (console.log) in real-time using server-sent event (SSE)

This package lets backend developers easily print messages and values in terminal. This is the php version of console log for Laravel. Compatible with Laravel v5+.

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✨ Features

  • Easily stream your Backend events from your Controllers \ Events \ Models \ Etc... to Frontend browser console tab(console.log')(data)).
  • Easily stream your Application Logs (storage/logs/laravel.log)to Frontend browser console tab (console.log')(data)).



  • PHP >= 7
  • Laravel >= 5


Install composer package (dev)

Via Composer - Not recommended for production environment

composer require --dev saasscaleup/laravel-console-log

For Laravel < 5.5

Add Service Provider to config/app.php in providers section


Add Facade to config/app.php in aliases section

'LCL' => Saasscaleup\LCL\Facades\LCLFacade::class,

Publish package's config, migration and view files

Publish package's config, migration and view files by running below command:

php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Saasscaleup\LCL\LCLServiceProvider"

Run migration command

Run php artisan migrate to create stream_console_logs table.

php artisan migrate

Setup Laravel Console Log -> LCL

Add this in your main view/layout (usually layout/app.blade.php) file before :



Configuration is done via environment variables or directly in the configuration file (config/lcl.php).


return [

    // enable or disable LCL
    'enabled' => env('LCL_ENABLED', true),

    // enable or disable laravel log listener 
    'log_enabled' => env('LCL_LOG_ENABLED', true),

    // log listener  for specific log type
    'log_type' => env('LCL_LOG_TYPE', 'info,error,warning,alert,critical,debug'), // Without space

    // log listener for specific word inside log messages
    'log_specific' => env('LCL_LOG_SPECIFIC', ''), // 'test' or 'foo' or 'bar' or leave empty '' to disable this feature

    // echo data loop in LCLController
    'interval' => env('LCL_INTERVAL', 1),

    // append logged user id in LCL response
    'append_user_id' => env('LCL_APPEND_USER_ID', true),

    // keep events log in database
    'keep_events_logs' => env('LCL_KEEP_EVENTS_LOGS', false),

    // Frontend pull invoke interval
    'server_event_retry' => env('LCL_SERVER_EVENT_RETRY', '2000'),

    // every 10 minutes cache expired, delete logs on next request
    'delete_log_interval' => env('LCL_DELETE_LOG_INTERVAL', 600), 

    /******* Frontend *******/

    // eanlbed console log on browser
    'js_console_log_enabled' => env('LCL_JS_CONSOLE_LOG_ENABLED', true),




* @param string $message : notification message
* @param string $type : alert, success, error, warning, info, debug, critical, etc...
* @param string $event : Type of event such as "EmailSent", "UserLoggedIn", etc
LCLFacade::notify($message, $type = 'info', $event = 'stream-console-log')

To show popup notifications on the screen, in your controllers/event classes, you can do:

use Saasscaleup\LCL\Facades\LCLFacade;

public function myFunction()

    LCLFacade::notify('Invoke stream log via Facade 1');

    // Some code here

    LCLFacade::notify('Invoke stream log via Facade 2');

    // Some code here

    LCLFacade::notify('Invoke stream log via Facade 3');
    // or via helper
    stream_log('Invoke stream log via helper 1');
    stream_log('Invoke stream log via helper 2');     
    stream_log('Invoke stream log via helper 3');

    // or using your application
    \Log::info('Invoke stream log via application log 1');
    \Log::error('Invoke stream log via application log 2');
    \Log::debug('Invoke stream log via application log 3');


Customizing Notification Library

You can also, customize this by modifying code in resources/views/vendor/lcl/view.blade.php file.

Customizing LCL Events

By default, package uses stream-console-log event type for streaming response:

LCLFacade::notify($message, $type = 'info', $event = 'stream-console-log')

Notice $event = 'stream-console-log'. You can customize this, let's say you want to use UserPurchase as SSE event type:

use Saasscaleup\LCL\Facades\LCLFacade;

public function myMethod()
    LCLFacade::notify('User purchase plan - step 1', 'info', 'UserPurchase');
    // or via helper
    stream_console_log('User purchase plan - step 1', 'info', 'UserPurchase');

Then you need to handle this in your view yourself like this:

var es = new EventSource("{{route('lcl-stream-log')}}");

es.addEventListener("UserPurchase", function (e) {
    var data = JSON.parse(;
}, false);


Inspired By



Please see the MIT for more information.

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