
Library that helps with generating CHANGELOG.md and versioning

dev-master / 0.1.x-dev 2018-05-06 00:30 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-05-07 14:33:09 UTC


Build Status

This is a PHP composer library fork based on the npm standard-version!

Automatic versioning and CHANGELOG generation, using GitHub's squash button and conventional commit messages.

how it works:

  1. when you land commits on your master branch, select the Squash and Merge option.
  2. add a title and body that follows the Conventional Commits Specification.
  3. when you're ready to release:
  4. git checkout master; git pull origin master
  5. run standard-version
  6. git push --follow-tags origin master && npm publish

standard-version does the following:

  1. bumps the version in composer.json (based on your commit history)
  2. update CHANGELOG.md
  3. commits composer.json (et al.) and CHANGELOG.md
  4. tags a new release


Under construction

Commit Message Convention, at a Glance


git commit -a -m "fix(parsing): fixed a bug in our parser"


git commit -a -m "feat(parser): we now have a parser \o/"

breaking changes:

git commit -a -m "feat(new-parser): introduces a new parsing library
BREAKING CHANGE: new library does not support foo-construct"

other changes:

You decide, e.g., docs, chore, etc.

git commit -a -m "docs: fixed up the docs a bit"

but wait, there's more!

Github usernames (@bcoe) and issue references (#133) will be swapped out for the appropriate URLs in your CHANGELOG.


Under Construction
