
Simple throttle middleware for Mezzio.

v1.0.1 2022-06-07 06:56 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-05-10 12:03:48 UTC


Ryudith\MezzioSimpleThrottle is throttle middleware for Mezzio framework.


To install run the following command :

$ composer require ryudith/mezzio-simple-throttle


First add ConfigProvider::class to config/config.php


$aggregator = new ConfigAggregator([

    \Ryudith\MezzioSimpleThrottle\ConfigProvider::class,  // <= add this line

        ? \Mezzio\Swoole\ConfigProvider::class
        : function (): array {
            return [];
], $cacheConfig['config_cache_path']);


Then register middleware by add SimpleThrottle::class to config/pipeline.php


use Ryudith\MezzioSimpleThrottle\SimpleThrottle;  // <= add this line


return function (Application $app, MiddlewareFactory $factory, ContainerInterface $container): void {
    // The error handler should be the first (most outer) middleware to catch
    // all Exceptions.
    $app->pipe(SimpleThrottle::class);  // <= add this line




You can add $app->pipe(SimpleThrottle::class) before $app->pipe(ErrorHandler::class) if you want.

Custom configuration

Configuration for middleware is locate in vendor/ryudith/mezzio-simple-throttle/ConfigProvider.php which the important content is :


return [
    'dependencies' => [
        'factories' => [
            FileSystemThrottleStorage::class => FileSystemThrottleStorageFactory::class,
            ThrottleResponse::class => ThrottleResponseFactory::class,
            SimpleThrottle::class => SimpleThrottleFactory::class,
    'mezzio_simple_throttle' => [
        'request_limit_per_minute' => 10,
        'request_real_ip_key' => 'REMOTE_ADDR',  // key for $_ENV or $_SERVER to get request real ip
        'ip_path_key' => true,  // data key based IP and URI path or IP only data key
        'throttle_data_dir' => './data/throttle',
        'file_data_delimiter' => '||',
        'throttle_storage_class' => FileSystemThrottleStorage::class,
        'throttle_response_class' => ThrottleResponse::class,


Detail :

  1. request_limit_per_minute is how many hit before trigger throttle

  2. request_real_ip_key is assoc key to get request IP, default is 'REMOTE_ADDR' which you can change if you have custom key on your webserver.

  3. ip_path_key is flag to generate key if use IP-Path combine or just IP address.

  4. throttle_data_dir is string path location to save throttle record data.

  5. file_data_delimiter is data delimiter inside file, since this library file based record data.

  6. throttle_storage_class is service key to save throttle data. You can change if you want another storage type (do not forget implement interface Ryudith\MezzioSimpleThrottle\Storage\StorageInterface on your custom class)

  7. throttle_response_class is class to give response when throttle hit limit. Also you can change this if you want use your own class (do not forget implement interface Ryudith\MezzioSimpleThrottle\Response\ThrottleResponseInterface on your own class).

You do not have to edit configuration inside ConfigProvider.php directly to change configuration, just add configuration you want to change to config/autoload/mezzio.global.php for example or any configuration file you use.

For example you can add your custom configuration like this inside config/autoload/mezzio.global.php :


return [
    // Toggle the configuration cache. Set this to boolean false, or remove the
    // directive, to disable configuration caching. Toggling development mode
    // will also disable it by default; clear the configuration cache using
    // `composer clear-config-cache`.
    ConfigAggregator::ENABLE_CACHE => true,

    // Enable debugging; typically used to provide debugging information within templates.
    'debug'  => true,
    'mezzio' => [
        // Provide templates for the error handling middleware to use when
        // generating responses.
        'error_handler' => [
            'template_404'   => 'error::4042',
            'template_error' => 'error::error',
    // add only configuration you want to change
    'mezzio_simple_throttle' => [
        'ip_path_key' => false,
        'file_data_delimiter' => '//'



API Documentation

Issues or questions


  • Add exclude path and/or IP