rvvup / rvvup-php-openapi
Rvvup Public API
Installs: 2 702
Dependents: 1
Suggesters: 0
Security: 0
Stars: 0
Watchers: 0
Forks: 0
Open Issues: 2
- php: ^7.4 || ^8.0
- ext-curl: *
- ext-json: *
- ext-mbstring: *
- guzzlehttp/guzzle: ^7.3
- guzzlehttp/psr7: ^1.7 || ^2.0
Requires (Dev)
- friendsofphp/php-cs-fixer: ^3.5
- phpunit/phpunit: ^8.0 || ^9.0
This package is auto-updated.
Last update: 2025-03-07 05:32:30 UTC
Rvvup Public API
For more information, please visit https://rvvup.com.
Installation & Usage
PHP 7.4 and later. Should also work with PHP 8.0.
To install the bindings via Composer, add the following to composer.json
{ "repositories": [ { "type": "vcs", "url": "https://github.com/rvvup/rvvup-php-openapi.git" } ], "require": { "rvvup/rvvup-php-openapi": "*@dev" } }
Then run composer install
Manual Installation
Download the files and include autoload.php
<?php require_once('/path/to/Rvvup/Api/vendor/autoload.php');
Getting Started
Please follow the installation procedure and then run the following:
<?php require_once(__DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php'); // Configure Bearer (JWT) authorization: apiKey $config = Rvvup\Configuration::getDefaultConfiguration()->setAccessToken('YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'); $apiInstance = new Rvvup\Api\AccountStatementsApi( // If you want use custom http client, pass your client which implements `GuzzleHttp\ClientInterface`. // This is optional, `GuzzleHttp\Client` will be used as default. new GuzzleHttp\Client(), $config ); $merchant_id = 'merchant_id_example'; // string | Merchant ID $account_statement_create_input = new \Rvvup\Api\Model\AccountStatementCreateInput(); // \Rvvup\Api\Model\AccountStatementCreateInput | The account statement to create $idempotency_key = 'idempotency_key_example'; // string | Idempotency Key try { $result = $apiInstance->createAccountStatement($merchant_id, $account_statement_create_input, $idempotency_key); print_r($result); } catch (Exception $e) { echo 'Exception when calling AccountStatementsApi->createAccountStatement: ', $e->getMessage(), PHP_EOL; }
API Endpoints
All URIs are relative to http://localhost
Class | Method | HTTP request | Description |
AccountStatementsApi | createAccountStatement | POST /api/2024-03-01/{merchantId}/accounts/statements | Create a new account statement |
AccountStatementsApi | getAccountStatement | GET /api/2024-03-01/{merchantId}/accounts/statements/{accountStatementId} | Get an account statement |
AccountStatementsApi | getCheckoutForAccountStatement | GET /api/2024-03-01/{merchantId}/accounts/statements/{accountStatementId}/checkouts/{checkoutId} | Get a checkout for an account statement |
AccountStatementsApi | getThemeForAccountStatement | GET /api/2024-03-01/{merchantId}/accounts/statements/{accountStatementId}/theme | Get the theme for an account statement |
CheckoutTemplatesApi | createCheckoutTemplate | POST /api/2024-03-01/{merchantId}/checkout-templates | Create new checkout template |
CheckoutTemplatesApi | getCheckoutTemplate | GET /api/2024-03-01/{merchantId}/checkout-templates/{checkoutTemplateId} | Get a checkout template |
CheckoutTemplatesApi | listCheckoutTemplates | GET /api/2024-03-01/{merchantId}/checkout-templates | List checkout templates |
CheckoutTemplatesApi | updateCheckoutTemplate | PATCH /api/2024-03-01/{merchantId}/checkout-templates/{checkoutTemplateId} | Update a checkout template |
CheckoutsApi | createCheckout | POST /api/2024-03-01/{merchantId}/checkouts | Create new checkout |
CheckoutsApi | getCheckout | GET /api/2024-03-01/{merchantId}/checkouts/{checkoutId} | Get a checkout |
CheckoutsApi | getThemeForCheckout | GET /api/2024-03-01/{merchantId}/checkouts/{checkoutId}/theme | Get the theme for a checkout |
CheckoutsApi | listCheckoutPaymentMethods | GET /api/2024-03-01/{merchantId}/checkouts/{checkoutId}/payment-methods | Get payment methods for a checkout |
CheckoutsApi | listCheckouts | GET /api/2024-03-01/{merchantId}/checkouts | List checkouts |
ConnectionsApi | createConnection | PUT /api/2024-03-01/{merchantId}/connections | Create a new connection or updates an existing connection. |
ConnectionsApi | disconnectConnection | DELETE /api/2024-03-01/{merchantId}/connections/{connectionId} | Disconnect a connection |
ConnectionsApi | getConnection | GET /api/2024-03-01/{merchantId}/connections/{connectionId} | Get a connection |
ConnectionsApi | listConnections | GET /api/2024-03-01/{merchantId}/connections | List connections |
LogsApi | createLog | POST /api/2024-03-01/{merchantId}/logs | Create a log |
NotificationsApi | createNotificationSubscription | POST /api/2024-03-01/{merchantId}/notification-subscriptions | Create a new notification subscription. |
NotificationsApi | getNotificationSubscription | GET /api/2024-03-01/{merchantId}/notification-subscriptions/{id} | Get a notification subscription |
NotificationsApi | listNotificationSubscriptions | GET /api/2024-03-01/{merchantId}/notification-subscriptions | List notification subscriptions. |
PaymentLinksApi | createPaymentLink | POST /api/2024-03-01/{merchantId}/payment-links | Create new payment link |
PaymentLinksApi | deactivatePaymentLink | DELETE /api/2024-03-01/{merchantId}/payment-links/{paymentLinkId} | Deactivate a payment link |
PaymentLinksApi | getPaymentLink | GET /api/2024-03-01/{merchantId}/payment-links/{paymentLinkId} | Get a payment link |
PaymentLinksApi | listPaymentLinks | GET /api/2024-03-01/{merchantId}/payment-links | List payment links |
PaymentMethodsApi | listPaymentMethods | GET /api/2024-03-01/{merchantId}/payment-methods | Get payment methods |
PaymentSessionsApi | createPaymentSession | POST /api/2024-03-01/{merchantId}/checkouts/{checkoutId}/payment-sessions | Create a payment session |
PaymentSessionsApi | getPaymentSession | GET /api/2024-03-01/{merchantId}/checkouts/{checkoutId}/payment-sessions/{paymentSessionId} | Get a payment session |
PaymentSettingsApi | getPaymentSettings | POST /api/2024-03-01/{merchantId}/payment-settings | Get payment settings for a merchant |
StatementExportsApi | exportStatement | POST /api/2024-03-01/{merchantId}/statements/export | Export a statement |
ThemesApi | createTheme | POST /api/2024-03-01/{merchantId}/themes | Create a new theme |
ThemesApi | getTheme | GET /api/2024-03-01/{merchantId}/themes/{themeId} | Get a theme |
ThemesApi | listThemes | GET /api/2024-03-01/{merchantId}/themes | List themes |
ThemesApi | updateTheme | PATCH /api/2024-03-01/{merchantId}/themes/{themeId} | Update a theme |
WebhooksApi | createWebhook | POST /api/2024-03-01/{merchantId}/webhooks | Create a new webhook |
WebhooksApi | getWebhook | GET /api/2024-03-01/{merchantId}/webhooks/{webhookId} | Get a webhook by id |
WebhooksApi | listWebhooks | GET /api/2024-03-01/{merchantId}/webhooks | Get all webhook |
WebhooksApi | updateWebhook | PATCH /api/2024-03-01/{merchantId}/webhooks/{webhookId} | Update a webhook |
- AccountStatement
- AccountStatementConnection
- AccountStatementConnectionInput
- AccountStatementConnectionType
- AccountStatementCreateInput
- AccountStatementCreditNote
- AccountStatementCreditNoteCreateInput
- AccountStatementInvoice
- AccountStatementInvoiceCreateInput
- AccountStatementInvoiceStatus
- AccountStatementMagentoProxyConnection
- AccountStatementMagentoProxyConnectionInput
- AccountStatementStatus
- ActionType
- ActionTypeInput
- ActorType
- Address
- AddressInput
- ApplicationSource
- Checkout
- CheckoutAmountType
- CheckoutApplePaySettings
- CheckoutApplePaySettingsInput
- CheckoutApplePaySettingsUpdateInput
- CheckoutCardSettings
- CheckoutCardSettingsInput
- CheckoutCardSettingsUpdateInput
- CheckoutCreateInput
- CheckoutCustomerFieldType
- CheckoutCustomerFields
- CheckoutCustomerFieldsInput
- CheckoutCustomerFieldsUpdateInput
- CheckoutGooglePaySettings
- CheckoutGooglePaySettingsInput
- CheckoutGooglePaySettingsUpdateInput
- CheckoutMode
- CheckoutPage
- CheckoutPayByBankSettings
- CheckoutPayByBankSettingsInput
- CheckoutPayByBankSettingsUpdateInput
- CheckoutPaymentMethodSettings
- CheckoutPaymentMethodSettingsInput
- CheckoutPaymentMethodSettingsUpdateInput
- CheckoutReferenceType
- CheckoutStatus
- CheckoutTemplate
- CheckoutTemplateCreateInput
- CheckoutTemplatePage
- CheckoutTemplateUpdateInput
- Connection
- ConnectionCreateInput
- ConnectionData
- ConnectionDataInput
- ConnectionOauthSignatureMethod
- ConnectionPage
- ConnectionStatus
- ConnectionType
- Customer
- CustomerInput
- ExpressCheckoutDisplayIntent
- GooglePayConnectionData
- GooglePayConnectionDataInput
- Item
- ItemInput
- ItemRestriction
- KlarnaConnectionData
- KlarnaConnectionDataInput
- LogCreateInput
- LogRecord
- MagentoProxyConnectionData
- MagentoProxyConnectionDataInput
- MerchantLogoWithUrls
- Money
- MoneyInput
- NotificationSubscription
- NotificationSubscriptionConfiguration
- NotificationSubscriptionConfigurationInput
- NotificationSubscriptionCreateInput
- NotificationSubscriptionPage
- NotificationSubscriptionRecipient
- NotificationSubscriptionRecipientInput
- NotificationType
- PageCheckout
- PageCheckoutTemplate
- PageConnection
- PageNotificationSubscription
- PagePaymentLink
- PagePaymentMethodDetail
- PageTheme
- PageWebhook
- Pageable
- Payment
- PaymentAction
- PaymentActionMethod
- PaymentActionType
- PaymentCaptureType
- PaymentDeclineReason
- PaymentLink
- PaymentLinkCreateInput
- PaymentLinkPage
- PaymentLinkStatus
- PaymentMethod
- PaymentMethodAsset
- PaymentMethodAssetType
- PaymentMethodDetail
- PaymentMethodDetailsPage
- PaymentMethodLimit
- PaymentMethodSettings
- PaymentMethodStatus
- PaymentMethodTotalLimit
- PaymentSession
- PaymentSessionCreateInput
- PaymentSessionStatus
- PaymentSettings
- PaymentSettingsContext
- PaymentSettingsMerchant
- PaymentSettlementStatus
- PaymentStatus
- PaymentSummary
- PaymentType
- PaymentVoidReason
- Refund
- RefundCreateInput
- RefundFailureReason
- RefundStatus
- ResourceType
- StartEnd
- StatementExportRequest
- Theme
- ThemeBackgroundImage
- ThemeBackgroundImageCreateInput
- ThemeBackgroundImageUpdateInput
- ThemeColors
- ThemeColorsCreateInput
- ThemeColorsUpdateInput
- ThemeCreateInput
- ThemeDesktopBackgroundImage
- ThemeImageCreateInput
- ThemeImageUpdateInput
- ThemeMobileBackgroundImage
- ThemePage
- ThemePaymentMethodSelector
- ThemePaymentMethodSelectorColors
- ThemePaymentMethodSelectorColorsCreateInput
- ThemePaymentMethodSelectorColorsUpdateInput
- ThemePaymentMethodSelectorCreateInput
- ThemePaymentMethodSelectorUpdateInput
- ThemeUpdateInput
- Webhook
- WebhookCreateInput
- WebhookEventType
- WebhookPage
- WebhookStatus
- WebhookUpdateInput
Authentication schemes defined for the API:
- Type: Bearer authentication (JWT)
To run the tests, use:
composer install vendor/bin/phpunit
About this package
This PHP package is automatically generated by the OpenAPI Generator project:
- API version:
- Generator version:
- Generator version:
- Build package: