rudidevries / kaku-bundle
This library provides a basic object interface for calling a the KAKU program to switch devices with the Raspberry Pi and a 433mhz transmitter.
- rudidevries/kaku: 0.1.*
- symfony/framework-bundle: ~2.2
This package is not auto-updated.
Last update: 2025-02-25 06:41:32 UTC
This library provides a basic object interface for calling a the KAKU program to switch devices with the Raspberry Pi and a 433mhz transmitter.
A complete description of how to setup the KAKU program on the Raspberry Pi is found here in Dutch.
This bundle integrates the rudidevries/kaku libary in a Symfony project. It provides the configuration and service settings.
The best way to add the library to your project is using composer.
$ composer require rudidevries/kaku-bundle
The bundle needs to be loaded by the AppKernel.
public function registerBundles()
$bundles = array(
new RudideVries\Bundle\KakuBundle\KakuBundle(),
return $bundles;
And the configuration must be added to your project config file. Example:
username: username
public_key: /path/to/.ssh/
private_key: /path/to/.ssh/id_rsa
command: sudo /path/to/kaku
A very basic example:
$channel = new Channel($description, $letter, $number);
$switcher = $this->get('kaku.kaku.switcher');
Offcourse you can put a collection of channels in a service of your own, to make things more flexible.