
SendGrid Adapter for Wind

1.0.5 2021-10-02 08:52 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-05-30 00:53:46 UTC


This extension adds expression functions to Wind to send emails using SendGrid.

NOTE: The extension detects the presence of Wind, when not installed, this extension will simply not be loaded.


composer require rsthn/rose-ext-wind-sendgrid

Configuration Section: Mail

Field Type Description Default
sendgrid string SendGrid API Key. Required
from string Email address of the sender. Required
fromName string Name of the sender. Optional

Expression Functions

mail::send name:string value:string ...

sendgrid::send name:string value:string ...

Sends an email and returns boolean (true) if successfully sent. Error messages are written to the system log. Accepts one or more name:value pairs. Currently supported:

Name Type Description
RCPT string Email address of the recipient.
RCPT array Email addresses of the recipients.
FROM string Email of the sender.
FROM-NAME string Name of the sender.
SUBJECT string Subject of the message.
BODY string HTML contents of the message.
ATTACHMENT string Adds the specified file (path) as an attachment.
ATTACHMENT map { name, data } Adds an attachment from a given data string.
ATTACHMENT map { name, path } Adds an attachment from a given path.
ATTACHMENT array Adds one or more attachments (each of which can be any of the previous forms).


	RCPT ''
	SUBJECT 'This is a test.'
	BODY '<b>Thanks for reading this email.</b>'