
A small bundle that give you abstract bases to create your Symfony's Entity Managers

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v1.0.3 2018-09-19 14:43 UTC



  • Give you simple interfaces & abstraction to build yours Symfony's Entity Managers

Table of Contents




This small bundle give you the ability to build generic Entity Managers for your Symfony Application (2.7 ~ .3.4). The goal is to make managers for all of your entities like Sensio Symfony Best Practices recommend it.


Make a manager for an entity permit to lighten your Controller. All the scope (CRUD Create Read Update Delete) of your entity will be managed behind your Entity Manager.

This is useful for big projects or even small/medium projects. Every creation will call the manager like every select, update or delete.


It's frequent that a team want to make entity managers, but have some technical difficulties. This bundle give you an abstraction to make all your Entity Managers to the same format and already with CRUD methods.


Activate bundle

To use it, simply composer require rroek/entity-manager-bundle and enable it : in AppKernel.php :

         * @return array
        public function registerBundles()
            $bundles = [
    		new Rroek\EntityManagerBundle\RroekEntityManagerBundle(),

Make your Entity Manager

For this example, we will take "MyPersonalEntity" class wich is an Doctrine Entity in our Symfony Project. Its class repository is "MyPersonalEntityRepository". Waw you didn't expect it. No ?

Our Entity will have an id, a label, a relation with another entity & getters/setters for it.

So let's see interresting things :

I Want to have a manager who dispatch & make job all around my entity. All the CRUD. So lets create our own manager class :

In :

    namespace Acme\MyBundle\Manager;
    use Rroek\EntityManagerBundle\Model\Manager\AbstractBaseEntityManager;
    use Rroek\EntityManagerBundle\Model\Manager\EntityManagerInterface as PersonalEntityManagerInterface;
    use Doctrine\ORM\EntityManagerInterface;
    use Acme\MyBundle\Entity\MyPersonalEntity;
     * Class MyPersonalEntityManager.
    class MyPersonalEntityManager extends AbstractBaseEntityManager implements PersonalEntityManagerInterface
         * MyPersonalEntityManager constructor.
         * @param EntityManagerInterface $entityManager
        public function __construct(EntityManagerInterface $entityManager)
            $this->setEntityClass(MyPersonalEntity::class);//Use your Entity ClassName
            $this->setEntityClassNamespace('Acme\MyBundle\Entity\MyPersonalEntity');//Use Namespace of your Entity
         * Bind data array to the given entity.
         * @param MyPersonalEntityManager $entity
         * @param array $data
         * @return MyPersonalEntityManager
        protected function bind(MyPersonalEntity $entity, array $data)
			/*this function get an existing instance of our Entity, or a new instance (see create & update method on abstraction)
			All the data to set/update are stocked on $data array.
            $entity->setLabel($this->getValue($data, 'label'));//We call the entity property setter and give "label" key of $data as value
            $entity->setLinkToAnotherEntity($this->getValue($data, 'anotherEntity', null));//Here the same but for a joined Entity like ManyToOne or OneToOne (if you set no data for key 'anotherEntity' '' will be placed instead so for a join precise null to default value)
            return $entity;

Declare for easy use, your manager as a Symfony service :

    # ------ ------ ------ ------ ------
    # ------ ------ ------ ------ ------
            class: 'Acme\MyBundle\Manager\MyPersonalEntityManager'
                - '@doctrine.orm.entity_manager'
                - [setValidatorService, ['@validator']]

And its all ! Your entity manager is created, it have allready CRUD methods :

         * Returns entity-item with given id.
         * @param int $id
         * @return object
        public function read($id){...}
         * Returns all entity-items.
         * @return object[]
        public function readAll(){...}
         * Creates a new item and set the data which are passed.
         * @param array $data
         * @param bool  $persist
         * @param bool  $flush
         * @return object
        public function create(array $data, $persist = true, $flush = false){...}
         * Update the entity-item with given id.
         * @param int   $id
         * @param array $data
         * @param bool  $flush
         * @param bool  $validate
         * @return object
        public function update($id, array $data, $flush = false, $validate = false){...}
         * Delete the entity-item with given id.
         * @param int  $id
         * @param bool $flush
         * @return null
         * @throws EntityNotFoundException
        public function delete($id, $flush = false){...}

And some convenient methods :

         * Return dynamically the entity repository whithout needing to specify class.
         * @return ObjectRepository Related repository
        public function getRepository(){...}
         * @param object $entity
         * @param bool   $flush
        public function persist($entity, $flush = false){...}
         * Flush.
        public function flush(){...}
         * @return \Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\ClassMetadata
        public function getClassMetadata(){...}
         * @return array
        public function getFieldNames(){...}
         * @return array
        public function getAssociationNames(){...}


Be careful a manager only manage one and only one Entity (Entity with its repository).


You will find 2 generic Traits for your entities creation. IdTrait and LabelTrait. To use it :

    use Rroek\EntityManagerBundle\Model\Entity\IdTrait;
    use Rroek\EntityManagerBundle\Model\Entity\LabelTrait;

it permit to use same declaration of id or label. Content :

         * @var int
         * @ORM\Column(name="id", type="integer", precision=0, scale=0, nullable=false, unique=true)
         * @ORM\Id
         * @ORM\GeneratedValue(strategy="IDENTITY")
         * JMS\Expose
        private $id;
         * Get id.
         * @return int
        public function getId()
            return $this->id;
         * Set id.
         * @param int $id
         * @return object
        public function setId($id)
            $this->id = $id;
            return $this;

And :

         * @var string
         * @ORM\Column(name="label", type="string", length=255)
        private $label;
         * Set label.
         * @param string $label
         * @return mixed
        public function setLabel($label)
            $this->label = $label;
            return $this;
         * Get label.
         * @return string
        public function getLabel()
            return $this->label;

Enjoy !