
PHPloy - Incremental Git (S)FTP deployment tool that supports submodules, multiple servers and rollbacks.

v3.0.16-stable 2015-02-28 10:39 UTC

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Last update: 2025-01-29 05:11:25 UTC


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Version 3.0.16-stable

PHPloy is a incremental Git FTP and SFTP deployment tool. By keeping track of the state of the remote server(s) it deploys only the files that were committed since the last deployment. PHPloy supports submodules, sub-submodules, deploying to multiple servers and rollbacks.


  • PHP 5.3+ command line interpreter (CLI)

Windows users can optionally download AnsiCon to enable the display of colors in the command prompt. Install it by running ansicon -i from a command prompt or "Run" window.

Instalation and Usage

Package available on Composer.

If you're using Composer to manage dependencies, you can use

composer require "royopa/phploy"


As any script, you can use PHPloy globally, from your bin directory or locally, from your project directory:

Using PHPloy locally (per project)

  1. Drop phploy.phar into your project.
  2. Create the deploy.ini file.
  3. Run php phploy.phar in terminal.

Using PHPloy globally in Linux

  1. Drop phploy.phar into /usr/local/bin and make it executable by running sudo chmod +x phploy.
  2. Create the deploy.ini file inside your project folder.
  3. Run phploy in terminal.

Installing PHPloy globally in Windows

  1. Extract or clone the PHPloy files into a folder of your choice
  2. Ensure phploy.bat can find the path to php.exe by either:
    • Adding the path to php.exe to your system path
    • Manually adding the path inside phploy.bat
  3. Add the phploy folder to your system path
  4. Run phploy from the command prompt (from your repository folder)

Adding folders to your system path means that you can execute an application from any folder, and not have to specify the full path to it. To add folders to your system path:

  1. Press WINDOWS + PAUSE to open Control Panel > System screen
  2. Click "Advanced System Settings"
  3. Click "Environment Variables"
  4. Under "System variables" there should be a variable called "Path". Select this and click "Edit".
  5. Keep the existing paths there, add a semi-colon ; at the end and then type the location of the appropriate folder. Spaces are OK, and no quotes are required.
  6. Click OK


The deploy.ini file hold your credentials and it must be in the root directory of your project. Use as many servers as you need and whichever configuration type you prefer.

; This is a sample deploy.ini file. You can specify as many
; servers as you need and use normal or quickmode configuration.
; NOTE: If a value in the .ini file contains any non-alphanumeric 
; characters it needs to be enclosed in double-quotes (").

scheme = sftp
user = example
pass = password
host =
path = /path/to/installation
port = 22
passive = true
; Files that should be ignored and not uploaded to your server, 
; but still tracked in your repository
skip[] = 'src/*.scss'
skip[] = '*.ini'

quickmode =
passive = true
; Files that should be ignored and not uploaded to your server, 
; but still tracked in your repository
skip[] = 'libs/*'
skip[] = 'config/*'
skip[] = 'src/*.scss'

If your password is missing in the deploy.ini file, PHPloy will interactively ask you for your password.

The first time it's executed, PHPloy will assume that your deployment server is empty, and will upload ALL the files of your project. If the remote server already has a copy of the files, you can specify which revision it is on using the --sync command (see below).

Multiple servers

PHPloy allows you to configure multiple servers in the deploy file and deploy to any of them with ease.

By default PHPloy will deploy to ALL specified servers. Alternatively, if an entry named 'default' exists in your server configuration, PHPloy will default to that server configuration. To specify one single server, run:

phploy -s servername


phploy --server servername

servername stands for the name you have given to the server in the deploy.ini configuration file.

If you have a 'default' server configured, you can specify to deploy to all configured servers by running:

phploy --all


Warning: the --rollback option does not currently update your submodules correctly. Until this is fixed, we recommend that you checkout the revision that you would like to deploy, update your submodules, and then run phploy.

PHPloy allows you to roll back to an earlier version when you need to. Rolling back is very easy.

To roll back to the previous commit, you just run:

phploy --rollback

To roll back to whatever commit you want, you run:

phploy --rollback="commit-hash-goes-here"

When you run a rollback, the files in your working copy will revert temporarily to the version of the rollback you are deploying. When the deployment has finished, everything will go back as it was.

Note that there is not a short version of --rollback.

Listing changed files

PHPloy allows you to see what files are going to be uploaded/deleted before you actually push them. Just run:

phploy -l


phploy --list

Upload other files

To upload all files, even the ones not tracked by git (e.g. the Composer vendor directory), run:

phploy -o


phploy --others

Please keep in mind that all files not excluded in your deploy.ini will be uploaded.

Updating or "syncing" the remote revision

If you want to update the .revision file on the server to match your current local revision, run:

phploy --sync

If you want to set it to a previous commit revision, just specify the revision like this:

phploy --sync="your-revision-hash-here"


Submodules are supported, but are turned off by default since you don't expect them to change very often and you only update them once in a while. To run a deployment with submodule scanning, add the --submodules paramenter to the command:

phploy --submodules


In many cases, we need to purge the contents of a directory after a deployment. This can be achieved by specifing the directories in deploy.ini like this:

; relative to the deployment path
purge[] = "cache/"
; absolute path
purge[] = "/public_html/wp-content/themes/base/cache/"

How it works

PHPloy stores a file called .revision on your server. This file contains the hash of the commit that you have deployed to that server. When you run phploy, it downloads that file and compares the commit reference in it with the commit you are trying to deploy to find out which files to upload.

PHPloy also stores a .revision file for each submodule in your repository.


If you've got any suggestions, questions, or anything else about PHPloy, you should create an issue here.


The people that have brought PHPloy to you are:

Version history

v3.0.0-alpha (9 August 2014)

  • Added SFTP support
  • Composer package
  • Phar file added

v2.0.0-beta3 (26 May 2014)

  • Colored console output is now optional and disabled by default on Windows unless Ansicon is detected. (Colors can be disabled through the --no-colors command-line option.)
  • ANSI color functionality has been moved to a separate class, and is now also a separate project on Github

v2.0.0-beta2 (11 April 2014)

  • Added more ANSI colours to output
  • Added --debug option which provides much more verbose output
  • Added --help option which displays the file
  • Output now clearly indicates if it's running in --list mode
  • Upload process now displays number of files in the queue (eg. "1 of 52")
  • Internal: ANSI colours are now expressed through simple HTML-like tags such as , etc.
  • Internal: git & console commands are now run from a central function to reduce code repetition and potential bugs
  • Fictional: phploy now makes your coffee during a long deployment

v2.0.0-beta (April 2014)

  • Added support for Windows machines by:
    • removing incompatible UTF characters
    • added phploy.bat
  • Added some additional console output and reformatted some of the outputted strings for clarity
  • Added command-line option --skip-subsubmodules