
Library to consume and produce in Apache Kafka < 2.1 and Schema Registry, using php traits. This lib use the base present in Nicofuma/poc-php-kafka lib.

1.8 2020-05-20 16:55 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-02-21 04:19:28 UTC



Library to consume and produce in Apache Kafka < 2.1 and Schema Registry, using php traits. This lib use the base present in Nicofuma/poc-php-kafka lib.


composer require roi-up-agency/php-kafka-schema-registry 1.0.*

.env Params

All .env params can be setted in consumer class

#Schema registry url

#List of brokers

#Consumer group id or null


  • The examples use laravel commands, but you can use it in any php class
  • This vendor use subject and version to encode / decode records

Consumption Usage

class MyConsumerCommand
    use \Kafka\SchemaRegistry\Traits\ConsumerTrait;
    public function handle()
        //Prepare basic configs as broker list or RebalanceCb
            $chemaRegistryUrl /* Mandatory if .env SCHEMA_REGISTRY_URL not configured */,
            $brokerList /* Mandatory if .env KAFKA_BROKERS not configured*/,
        //Execute if you want to set a consumer group Id to your app
        //Before call listen method, you can set customs config params via setConf or setTopicConf
        //listen method init the Avro Consumer and subscribe it to the desired topics
        //You can manage your callback with a callback class
            ['topic_xxx'] /* List of topics you want to subscribe your consumer */, 
            CallbackClass::class /* CallbackClass will be used to manage your messages. This class must implements Kafka\SchemaRegistry\Interfaces\ConsumerCallbackInterface*/
        //Or sending a function which receive the message as second param
              //Exists a helper to handle returned message with some getters and setters
              //Getters returns an object if key or value are arrays
              $kafkaMessage = new \Kafka\SchemaRegistry\Helpers\KafkaMessage($message);
              dd($kafkaMessage->getKey(), $kafkaMessage->getValue(), $kafkaMessage->getTopic());
              For this value
              $item = [
                "time" => time(),
                "site" => "",
                "ip"   => "192.168.2.".mt_rand(0, 255)

Consumer default config

  • "" (ConsumerConfParam::METADATA_BROKER_LIST) = broker list given
  • "auto.offset.reset" (TopicConfParam::AUTO_OFFSET_RESET) = 'smallest'


Your CallbackClass must implements Kafka\SchemaRegistry\Interfaces\ConsumerCallbackInterface presents in vendor

Production Usage

class MyProducerCommand
    use \Kafka\SchemaRegistry\Traits\ProducerTrait;
    public function handle()

        //Set the schema and version which we're going to use
        //No that by default, the schema naming strategy is for schema value is topic-value and for the key topic-key
        //This suffix is added before produce by library
        $this->setSchema('topic', 1);
        $this->setKeySchema('topic', 1);
        //Prepare basic configs as broker list or copresion type
            $chemaRegistryUrl /* Mandatory if .env SCHEMA_REGISTRY_URL not configured */,
            $brokerList /* Mandatory if .env KAFKA_BROKERS not configured*/,
        //Example of schema generated via
          "type": "record",
          "name": "visits",
          "namespace": "com.landoop",
          "doc": "This is a sample Avro schema to get you started. Please edit",
          "fields": [
              "name": "time",
              "type": "int"
              "name": "site",
              "type": "string"
              "name": "ip",
              "type": "string"
        //You can use object or array to generate your items
        $item = new \stdClass();
         $item->time = time();
         $item->site = "";
         $item->ip = "192.168.2.".mt_rand(0, 255);

         /*$item = [
           "time" => time(),
           "site" => "",
           "ip"   => "192.168.2.".mt_rand(0, 255)
        $data = [$item];
        //Schema for visits-key
          "type": "record",
          "name": "visits_key",
          "namespace": "com.landoop",
          "doc": "This is a sample Avro schema to get you started. Please edit",
          "fields": [
              "name": "key",
              "type": "string"
        $key  = ["key" => "2"]; 
        //Produce data
        $this->produce('topic', $data /* Array of items*/, $key /* Or null */);

Producer default config

  • "compression.type" (ProducerConfParam::COMPRESSION_TYPE) = 'snappy'
  • "" (ProducerConfParam::LINGER_MS) = '20'
  • "broker.version.fallback" (ProducerConfParam::BROKER_VERSION_FALLBACK) = '2.0.1'
  • "queue.buffering.max.kbytes"(ProducerConfParam::QUEUE_BUFFERING_MAX_KBYTES) = (string)32*1024


Available Config

You can add any extra configuration you need using ConsumerConfParam o ProducerConfParam constants before call listen or produce methods depens your context.

To set configs:

//Example for producer enable idempotence
$this->setConfig(ProducerConfParam::ENABLE_IDEMPOTENCE, true);

//Example for topic change autocommin interval idempotence
$this->setConfig(TopicConfParam::AUTO_COMMIT_INTERVAL_MS, 500):

You can get a full list of current config using dump method present in rdKafka lib To get configs:




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