
A PHP Salto client implementing the PMS Industry Standard protocol via TCP/IP.

1.0 2022-12-21 15:58 UTC

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Last update: 2025-02-10 12:58:51 UTC


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A PHP Salto client implementing the PMS Industry Standard protocol via TCP/IP.


You can install the package via composer:

composer require rohsyl/salto


Create a client

$client = new SaltoClient('', 14072);

Try to open the connection


Throws ConnectionFailedException when failed.

Check if the server is available

while (!$client->isReady()) {
    // wait some seconds and try again
    // or exit program

Send a message

$response = $client->sendMessage($message);

Messages available

Only the followings message have been implemented yet :

  • CNM : CheckInMobileMessage
  • CCM : CopyMobileMessage
  • MC : ModifyMessage
  • CO : CheckoutMessage

CNM : Check-in Mobile

Check-in for mobile apps.

Create access to a room for a guest with a phone number for given dates

$message = (new CheckInMobileMessage())
    ->from(Carbon::create(2022, 12, 21, 10, 30))
    ->to(Carbon::create(2022, 12, 30, 10, 30))

You can specify the operator

$message = (new CheckInMobileMessage())
    // ...
    ->by('Firstname Lastname')

You can set a text message to be shown on the phone’s display.

$message = (new CheckInMobileMessage())
    // ...
    ->withMessage('Lorem impsum')

You can allow or deny access to doors. You have to pass an array in parameter :

  • Key is the ID of the PMS Authorizations (See System > PMS Authorizations).
  • Value can be true or false.
$message = (new CheckInMobileMessage())
    // ...
    ->withAuthorizations(['1' => true])

CCM : Copy Mobile

Works the same way as CNM : CheckInMobileMessage.

MC : Modify

Modify a check in. Changing the expiry dates.

$message = (new ModifyMessage())
    ->expireAt(Carbon::create(2022, 12, 12, 11,0));

An error will be returned if the room is checked-out or not occupied.

CO : Check-out

Check-out a room.

$message = (new CheckoutMessage(+))

Read response

An instance of Response is returned by the sendMessage method.

$response = $client->sendMessage($message);

If no exceptions is thrown, it means that everything went fine.

Display the string representation of the response and the request


Handle exceptions

Use a try .. catch !

try {

catch(SaltoException $e) {
    if($e instanceof ConnectionFailedException) {
        // ...
    else if($e instanceof NakException) {
        // ...
    else if($e instanceof WrongChecksumException) {
        // ...
    else if($e instanceof SaltoErrorException) {
        // ...

Existing exceptions :

  • ConnectionFailedException : Connection failed to the socket
  • NakException : Server responded with a negative acknowledgement. It means the server is not ready or the message sent is not correct (bad LRC)
  • WrongChecksumException : Response message is not correct (bad lrc)
  • SaltoErrorException : An error has been thrown by the server : See Error messages in PMS_SALTO_IS_V1.pdf



composer test


Please see CHANGELOG for more information on what has changed recently.


Please see CONTRIBUTING for details.


If you discover any security related issues, please email instead of using the issue tracker.



The MIT License (MIT). Please see License File for more information.