
SDK with PHP for Smartfastpay to process payments and payouts

v1.0.5 2024-01-30 18:34 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-05-30 00:36:42 UTC


Version PHP License

Welcome to the initial release of the Smartfastpay SDK for PHP - a powerful and flexible library for processing payments and payouts.

Key Features:

  1. Payments and Payouts Implementation: Full support for processing payments and payouts.

  2. Design Patterns and Best Practices: Utilizes design patterns like Strategy, following best practices for clean and maintainable code.

  3. Flexible Configurations: Easily configure client keys and secrets.

  4. Guzzle HTTP Requests: Integrates with Guzzle HTTP for efficient and reliable requests.

  5. Exception Handling: Implements specific exceptions for each resource, along with the use of HTTP exceptions for error handling.

  6. Secure Authentication: Implements secure authentication with automatic access token renewal.

Getting Started:

  1. Installation via Composer:

    composer require rodineiti/smartfastpay-sdk-php
  2. Quick Setup:

    use Rodineiti\SmartfastpaySdk\Config\Config;
    use Rodineiti\SmartfastpaySdk\Payment;
    use Rodineiti\SmartfastpaySdk\Strategy\Payment\Pix\PixPaymentStrategy;
    $config = new Config('client_id', 'client_secret');
    $payment = new Payment($config);
    $payment->setStrategy(new PixPaymentStrategy());
  3. Payment Processing:

     use Rodineiti\SmartfastpaySdk\Strategy\Payment\Pix\PixParams;
     try {
         $respose = $payment->processPayment(new PixParams(
             'John Doe',
         header("Content-Type: application/json");
         echo $respose;
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         var_dump("Error on create payment: {$e->getMessage()}");