
Feature-full Laravel advanced plugin for managing your website's articles, categories, likes and comments with a very easy syntax. Add, move, delete any content from your system, really easy.

dev-main 2021-04-30 19:41 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-06-29 05:23:34 UTC


Laravel Articles System

Feature-full Laravel advanced plugin for managing your website's articles, categories, likes and comments with a very easy syntax. Add, move, delete any content from your system, really easy.


  • Articles
  • Categories
  • Likes
  • Comments


First, you have to install the package using composer in your project root folder:

composer require robertseghedi/laravel-articles

Then, you have to add the provider to your config/app.php like that:

// your providers


Run the migrate command in order to add all the required tables

php artisan migrate


Below there are some useful essential information about this package, in order for you to know what it's using & how it functions.


This package uses Laravel Advanced Security to track user actions in the media system in order to know who-what posted & things like that. Educational purposes only / other purposes but on your own liability.


Command name What it does
News::post($title, $content, $category_id) Posts a new article, using only 3 essentials required fields
News::delete_post($article_id) Deletes an article & all its likes and comments
News::comment($article_id, $text) Posts a new comment based on the given criteria
News::delete_comment($comment_id) Deletes an comment
News::like($article_id) Auth user drops a like for the mentioned article
News::delete_like($like_id) Deletes a like
News::slug($text) Generates any string-slug
News::category($name) Creates a new category with the given name
News::delete_category($name) Deletes the given category all its details
News::move_articles($old, $new) Moves all the articles from the $old category to the $new category
News::change_article_category($article, $new) Moves the $article to the $new category


Now you can start using the package.

1. Include it in your controller

use RobertSeghedi\News\Models\News;

2. Start using the tools

public function add_article($title, $content, $category)
    $add = News::post($title, $content, $category);
    if($add) return redirect()->back()->with('success', 'Article posted.');
public function delete_category($id)
    $deletion = News::delete_category($id);
    if($deletion) return redirect()->back()->with('success', 'The category and all its articles were deleted.');

3. Extract data

I highly recommend you to use this Laravel Autofetcher Plugin in order to extract fresh data.

4. Start making amazing content on the web

Follow this package for future updates