
This is a fresh Laravel plugin which gets security data from your users and gives you the chance to store it crypted or decrypted, with no stress. Educational purposes only / other purposes but on your own liability.

1.0.0 2021-04-29 09:49 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-06-29 05:45:18 UTC


Laravel Advanced Security

One of the most optimized plugins for securing the Laravel users accounts.

This is a fresh Laravel plugin which gets security data from your users and gives you the chance to store it crypted or decrypted, with no stress. Educational purposes only / other purposes but on your own liability.


First, you have to install the package using composer in your project root folder:

composer require robertseghedi/laravel-advanced-security

Then, you have to add the provider to your config/app.php like that:

// your providers


Run the migrate command in order to add the secure-logs table

php artisan migrate


Command name What it does
LAS::ip() Gets the authenticated user's IP address
LAS::purify($data) Purifies some string
LAS::os() Gets the authenticated user's operating system
LAS::browser() Gets the authenticated user's browser
LAS::file_size($kb) Transforms numbered KB to 100 GB
LAS::password($length) Generates random numbered-lettered password in the mentioned length - default is 10
LAS::pin($length) Generates a custom PIN in the mentioned length - default is 4
LAS::ssl() Returns if the actual site is secured or not (SSL)
LAS::log($user, $text) Inserts an encrypted log with text to a user
LAS::logs($user, $results, $time) Efficiently fetches & caches user logs based on the mentioned criteria
LAS::all_logs($results, $time) Efficiently fetches & caches all the secure logs


Now you can start using the package.

1. Include it in your controller

use RobertSeghedi\LAS\Models\LAS;

2. Start using the tools

public function add_post(Request $req)
    $post = new Post();
    $post->title = $req->input('title');
    $post->description = $req->input('description');
    $post->user = Auth::user()->id;
    $post->ip = LAS::ip(); // grabs the user IP
    $post->browser = LAS::browser(); // grabs the user browser
    $post->os = LAS::os(); // grabs the user OS
    $saved_post = $post->save();
    if($saved_post) return redirect()->back()->with('success', 'Article posted.');
public function insert_log($user_id = null)
    $user = User::find($user_id);
    $log = LAS::log($user_id, "$user->name joined the chat.");
    if($log) return redirect()->back();

3. Do whatever you want with the data

Follow this package for future updates