
Yii2 library to run fixtures the ActiveRecord Dao

0.1 2016-06-10 00:53 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-02-24 03:50:13 UTC


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Library to load data fixutres using using the methods defined by yii\db\ActiveRecord and show progress log.


The preferred way to install this extension is through composer.

Either run

composer require --prefer-dist "roaresearch/yii2-arfixture:*"

or add

"roaresearch/yii2-arfixture": "*"

to the require section of your composer.json file.


yii\test\Fixture and yii\test\ActiveFixture load data to the tables using the name of the table and the yii\db\Schema::insert() method which means all the methods defined in the model such as validations, events, behaviors and even table prefix are ignored.

roaresearch\yii2\arfixutre\ARFixture loads fixtures by creating a model using the $modelClass property and then passes by all the workflow of saving the data using ActiveRecord considering scenarios, exceptions, events, safe attributes, validation errors and showing detailed information to the user of the procedure.

\ ARFixture ActiveFixture & Fixture
How is the data saved? ActiveRecord::save() Schema::insert()
Works will all the db's Without modification Have to change classes
Support to change scenario 👍 👎
Support ActiveRecord events 👍 👎
Support Behaviors 👍 👎
Shows details on each row 👍 👎
Check validated attributes 👍 👎
Shows how many tests passed 👍 👎
Shows how many tests failed 👍 👎
Support silent mode 👍 👎
Exception handling 👍 👎



class UserFixture extends ARFixture
    public $modelClass = User::class;

If [[$dataFile]] is not defined then it will seek on the data/ subfolder the file with the same name as this class except for the Fixture keyword at the end. Example: UserFixture will return the file data/User.php or an empty array when the file can not found.

The data must follow this structure

return [
    // record with no explicit alias, will only show the key number on the log.
        'username' => 'faryshta',
        'name' => 'Angel',
        'lastname' => 'Guevara',
        'email' => '',

    // record with explicit alias, will be shown on the log
    'duplicated' => [
        'username' => 'faryshta',
        'name' => 'Angel',
        'lastname' => 'Guevara',
        'email' => '',

        // optional, will apply the scenario before loading the models.
        'scenario' => 'api-save',

        // optional, will check the validation errors.
        'attributeErrors' => [
            // will check that username has this exact validation error.
            'username' => 'Username already in use',
            // will check that email has any validation error
            // the other attributes are not expected to have a validation error.

Each row can contain the following special options:

  • attributeErrors: array list of expected validation errors in the format

    'attributeErrors' => [
        'attribute1', // will check that it contains any error.
        'attribute2' => 'Error Message' // This has to be the error found.

    Warning: If this option is defined the record won't be saved even if it passes all the validations.

  • scenario: string to be used as scenario for the model to handle the methods Model::load() and Model::validate(), if not defined the $scenarioDefault will be used




The BSD License (BSD). Please see License File for more information.