rmoore / truenas
Truenas REST API v2.0 (generated by Openapi Generator https://github.com/openapitools/openapi-generator)
2022-07-29 14:51 UTC
- php: ^7.4 || ^8.0
- ext-curl: *
- ext-json: *
- ext-mbstring: *
- guzzlehttp/guzzle: ^7.3
- guzzlehttp/psr7: ^1.7 || ^2.0
Requires (Dev)
- friendsofphp/php-cs-fixer: ^3.5
- phpunit/phpunit: ^8.0 || ^9.0
This package is auto-updated.
Last update: 2024-12-29 06:52:47 UTC
No description provided (generated by Openapi Generator https://github.com/openapitools/openapi-generator)
Installation & Usage
PHP 7.4 and later. Should also work with PHP 8.0.
To install the bindings via Composer, add the following to composer.json
{ "repositories": [ { "type": "vcs", "url": "https://github.com/GIT_USER_ID/GIT_REPO_ID.git" } ], "require": { "GIT_USER_ID/GIT_REPO_ID": "*@dev" } }
Then run composer install
Manual Installation
Download the files and include autoload.php
<?php require_once('/path/to/OpenAPIClient-php/vendor/autoload.php');
Getting Started
Please follow the installation procedure and then run the following:
<?php require_once(__DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php'); // Configure HTTP basic authorization: basic $config = RMoore\Truenas\Configuration::getDefaultConfiguration() ->setUsername('YOUR_USERNAME') ->setPassword('YOUR_PASSWORD'); $apiInstance = new RMoore\Truenas\Api\AcmeDnsAuthenticatorApi( // If you want use custom http client, pass your client which implements `GuzzleHttp\ClientInterface`. // This is optional, `GuzzleHttp\Client` will be used as default. new GuzzleHttp\Client(), $config ); try { $apiInstance->acmeDnsAuthenticatorAuthenticatorSchemasGet(); } catch (Exception $e) { echo 'Exception when calling AcmeDnsAuthenticatorApi->acmeDnsAuthenticatorAuthenticatorSchemasGet: ', $e->getMessage(), PHP_EOL; }
API Endpoints
All URIs are relative to https://truenas.local/api/v2.0
- Aclentry
- Aclmode
- Acltype
- AcmeDnsAuthenticatorCreate0
- ActivedirectoryLeave0
- ActivedirectoryUpdate0
- Activity
- AdministrativeUser
- AeWhoName
- AlertclassesUpdate0
- AlertserviceCreate0
- AlertserviceTest0
- AllowlistItem
- ApiKeyCreate0
- Atime
- AuthCheckPassword
- AuthCheckUser
- AuthGenerateToken
- AuthTwofactorUpdate0
- AuthorityKeyIdentifier
- BasicConstraints
- BasicConstraints1
- BootAttach
- BootAttach1
- BootReplace
- BootenvCreate0
- Brick
- Cachevdevs
- Callback
- Casesensitivity
- CatalogCreate0
- CatalogGetItemDetails
- CatalogGetItemDetails1
- CatalogItems
- CatalogItems1
- CertExtensions
- CertExtensions1
- CertExtensions2
- CertificateCreate0
- CertificateauthorityCaSignCsr0
- CertificateauthorityCreate0
- ChartReleaseCreate0
- ChartReleasePodLogs
- ChartReleasePodLogs1
- ChartReleasePullContainerImages
- ChartReleasePullContainerImages1
- ChartReleaseRemoveIxVolume
- ChartReleaseRollback
- ChartReleaseRollback1
- ChartReleaseScale
- ChartReleaseScale1
- ChartReleaseScaleWorkloads
- ChartReleaseUpgrade
- ChartReleaseUpgrade1
- ChartReleaseUpgradeSummary
- ChartReleaseUpgradeSummary1
- Checksum
- CloudSyncBwlimit
- CloudsyncCreate0
- CloudsyncCredentialsCreate0
- CloudsyncCredentialsVerify0
- CloudsyncListDirectory0
- CloudsyncOnedriveListDrives0
- CloudsyncSyncOnetime
- CloudsyncSyncOnetime0
- CloudsyncSyncOnetime1
- Comments
- Compression
- ConfigReset0
- ConfigSave0
- ContainerImagePull0
- ContainerPrune0
- ContainerUpdate0
- Copies
- CoreBulk
- CoreDebug
- CoreDebug0
- CoreDebug1
- CoreDownload
- CoreJobUpdate
- CoreJobUpdate1
- CorePingRemote0
- CoreResizeShell
- CronjobCreate0
- CronjobRun
- CtdbGeneralIps0
- CtdbGeneralStatus0
- CtdbPrivateIpsCreate0
- CtdbPublicIpsCreate0
- Dataset
- DatasetKeys
- Datavdevs
- Deduplication
- Dedupvdevs
- DeviceGetInfo0
- DiskRun
- DiskTemperature
- DiskTemperature1
- DiskTemperatures
- DiskTemperatures1
- DiskWipe
- DiskWipe1
- DiskWipe3
- DockerAuthentication
- Dosmode
- DyndnsUpdate0
- EnclosureSetSlotStatus
- EnclosureSetSlotStatus2
- EncryptionOptions
- EncryptionOptions1
- Exec
- ExtendedKeyUsage
- ExtendedKeyUsage1
- FailoverCallRemote
- FailoverCallRemote2
- FailoverControl
- FailoverControl0
- FailoverControl1
- FailoverSyncToPeer0
- FailoverUnlock0
- FailoverUpdate0
- FailoverUpgrade0
- FilesystemAcltemplateByPath0
- FilesystemAcltemplateCreate0
- FilesystemAcltemplateCreate0Acl
- FilesystemCanAccessAsUser
- FilesystemCanAccessAsUser2
- FilesystemChown0
- FilesystemGetDefaultAcl
- FilesystemGetDefaultAcl1
- FilesystemGetacl
- FilesystemListdir
- FilesystemListdir2
- FilesystemPut
- FilesystemPut1
- FilesystemSetDosmode0
- FilesystemSetImmutable
- FilesystemSetacl0
- FilesystemSetacl0Dacl
- FilesystemSetperm0
- FormatOptions
- FtpUpdate0
- GlusterEventsdCreate0
- GlusterEventsdDelete0
- GlusterFuseIsMounted0
- GlusterFuseMount0
- GlusterFuseUmount0
- GlusterLocaleventsAddJwtSecret0
- GlusterPeerCreate0
- GlusterPeerStatus0
- GlusterRebalanceFixLayout0
- GlusterRebalanceStart0
- GlusterRebalanceStatus0
- GlusterRebalanceStop0
- GlusterVolumeAddbrick0
- GlusterVolumeCreate0
- GlusterVolumeInfo0
- GlusterVolumeOptreset0
- GlusterVolumeOptset0
- GlusterVolumeQuota0
- GlusterVolumeRemovebrick0
- GlusterVolumeReplacebrick0
- GlusterVolumeRestart0
- GlusterVolumeStart0
- GlusterVolumeStatus0
- GlusterVolumeStop0
- Graph
- Group
- GroupCreate0
- GroupGetGroupObj0
- IdmapAdOptions
- IdmapAutoridOptions
- IdmapCreate0
- IdmapCreate0Options
- IdmapLdapOptions
- IdmapNssOptions
- IdmapOptionsChoices0
- IdmapRfc2307Options
- IdmapRidOptions
- InitshutdownscriptCreate0
- InterfaceAlias
- InterfaceCapabilitiesSet0
- InterfaceChoices0
- InterfaceCommit0
- InterfaceCreate0
- InterfaceFailoverAlias
- InterfaceIpInUse0
- InterfaceVirtualAlias
- IpmiIdentify0
- IscsiAuthCreate0
- IscsiExtentCreate0
- IscsiGlobalUpdate0
- IscsiHostCreate0
- IscsiHostSetInitiators
- IscsiHostSetTargets
- IscsiInitiatorCreate0
- IscsiPortalCreate0
- IscsiTargetCreate0
- IscsiTargetextentCreate0
- KerberosKeytabCreate0
- KerberosKeytabUploadKeytab0
- KerberosRealmCreate0
- KerberosUpdate0
- KeyUsage
- KeyUsage1
- KeychainRemoteSshSemiautomaticSetup
- KeychaincredentialCreate0
- KeychaincredentialRemoteSshHostKeyScan0
- KeychaincredentialRemoteSshSemiautomaticSetup0
- KeychaincredentialSetupSshConnection0
- KmipUpdate0
- KubernetesRestoreBackup
- KubernetesRestoreBackup1
- KubernetesUpdate0
- LdapUpdate0
- Lifetime
- Listen
- LldpUpdate0
- Logvdevs
- MailSend
- MailSend0
- MailSend1
- MailUpdate0
- Managedby
- NetworkConfigurationUpdate0
- NewBrick
- Nfs41Flags
- NfsAddPrincipal0
- NfsUpdate0
- Oauth
- OpenvpnClientUpdate0
- OpenvpnServerClientConfigurationGeneration
- OpenvpnServerUpdate0
- Options
- Options1
- Options2
- Options3
- PhysicalLocation
- PoolAttach
- PoolAttach1
- PoolCreate0
- PoolDatasetChangeKey
- PoolDatasetChangeKey1
- PoolDatasetCreate0
- PoolDatasetDestroySnapshots
- PoolDatasetDestroySnapshots1
- PoolDatasetEncryptionSummary
- PoolDatasetEncryptionSummary1
- PoolDatasetExportKey
- PoolDatasetLock
- PoolDatasetLock1
- PoolDatasetUnlock
- PoolDatasetUnlock1
- PoolDatasetUserpropCreate0
- PoolImportDisk
- PoolImportPool0
- PoolKeys
- PoolResilverUpdate0
- PoolScrubCreate0
- PoolScrubRun
- PoolScrubScrub
- PoolScrubScrub1
- PoolSnapshottaskCreate0
- PoolSnapshottaskForeseenCount0
- PrivateKey
- Property
- QueryOptions
- QuotaCritical
- QuotaWarning
- Readonly
- Recordsize
- RefquotaCritical
- RefquotaWarning
- ReplicationConfigUpdate0
- ReplicationCountEligibleManualSnapshots0
- ReplicationCreate0
- ReplicationCreateDataset
- ReplicationCreateDataset1
- ReplicationListDatasets
- ReplicationListDatasets0
- ReplicationRunOnetime0
- ReplicationTargetUnmatchedSnapshots
- ReplicationTargetUnmatchedSnapshots0
- ReplicationTargetUnmatchedSnapshots3
- ReportingGetData
- ReportingGetData1
- ReportingUpdate0
- Reseller
- RestrictSchedule
- RestrictSchedule1
- RsyncdUpdate0
- RsyncmodCreate0
- RsynctaskCreate0
- S3Update0
- ScaleWorkload
- Schedule
- Schedule1
- Schedule2
- Schedule3
- Schedule4
- Schedule5
- Schedule6
- ServiceAnnouncement
- ServiceReload
- ServiceReload1
- ServiceRestart
- ServiceRestart1
- ServiceStart
- ServiceStart1
- ServiceStop
- ServiceStop1
- ServiceTerminateProcess
- Services
- SharingNfsCreate0
- SharingSmbCreate0
- SharingWebdavCreate0
- SmartTestCreate0
- SmartUpdate0
- SmbGetRemoteAcl0
- SmbSharesecCreate0
- SmbSharesecGetacl
- SmbSharesecGetacl1
- SmbStatus
- SmbStatus0
- SmbStatus2
- SmbStatus3
- SmbUpdate0
- Snapdir
- SnapshotSpec
- SnapshotsInner
- SnmpUpdate0
- SpecialSmallBlockSize
- Specialvdevs
- SrcBrick
- SshUpdate0
- StaticrouteCreate0
- StatsData
- StatsGetData
- StatsGetData1
- StatsGetDatasetInfo
- SupportAttachTicket0
- SupportNewTicket0
- SupportUpdate0
- Sync
- SystemAdvancedUpdate0
- SystemFeatureEnabled0
- SystemGeneralUpdate0
- SystemNtpserverCreate0
- SystemReboot0
- SystemShutdown0
- SystemdatasetUpdate0
- TechnicalUser
- TftpUpdate0
- Topology
- TruecommandUpdate0
- TruenasSetProduction
- TruenasUpdateCustomerInformation0
- TunableCreate0
- UpdateCheckAvailable0
- UpdateFile0
- UpdateManual
- UpdateManual1
- UpdateUpdate0
- UpsUpdate0
- UserCreate0
- UserGetUserObj0
- UserProperty
- VmCreate0
- VmDeviceCreate0
- VmdeviceCreate
- VmwareCreate0
- VmwareDatasetHasVms
- VmwareGetDatastores0
- VmwareMatchDatastoresWithDatasets0
- WebdavUpdate0
- WebuiImageCreate0
- Xattr
- ZfsSnapshotClone0
- ZfsSnapshotCreate0
- ZfsSnapshotRemove0
- ZfsSnapshotRollback
- ZfsSnapshotRollback1
- Type: HTTP basic authentication
To run the tests, use:
composer install vendor/bin/phpunit
About this package
This PHP package is automatically generated by the OpenAPI Generator project:
- API version:
- Build package: