
dev-master 2014-01-24 12:51 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-02-25 04:42:35 UTC


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Providers helpers that make linking to frontend assets easy, based on your current environment.

This package is not interested in any compilation steps, pre-processing, minification, etc. Use grunt, gulp or Assetic for that.


Aims to provide configurable links for assets that are:

  • Locally hosted (e.g. /public/assets)
  • Hosted on a different domain (e.g. http://static.example.com/)
  • Presets for CDN hosting - S3, Akamai, Cloudflare, etc.


Install using Composer: composer require rmasters/lasset:dev-master

This library uses the new PSR-4 autoloader. You might need to update composer itself to use this - composer self-update

Framework integrations


  1. Instantiate a manager,
  2. Configure, with an array or by adding providers,
  3. Set the default environment,
  4. Call the url(), function.


use Lasset\Manager;

$manager = new Manager;
$manager->configure(['environments' => [...]]);
$manager->addProvider('testing', new HostProvider([...]));


echo $manager->url('bootstrap/dist/css/bootstrap.min.css');

// Or to get a specific environment's url
echo $manager->getProvider('testing')->url('jquery/jquery.min.js');

Laravel 4

Bundled in this framework is a ServiceProvider and Facade for integration into Laravel 4. This adds the following functionality:

  • A single Manager instance created under the lasset.manager key
  • Facade wraps around the Manager instance
  • Configurable by placing a file in app/config/packages/rmasters/lasset/config.php
  • If it exists in the Manager (after loading configuration), the current Laravel environment (the result of App::env()) will be set as the default Lasset environment.

To enable these, simply register the service provider and optionally alias the facade in app/config/app.php:

'providers' => array(
    // ...

'aliases' => array(
    'Lasset' => 'Lasset\Laravel\Facades\Lasset',