
World Currency for Laravel

1.1.6 2023-11-15 20:13 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-06-15 21:23:39 UTC


License Latest Stable Version

ridwaanzan/worldcurrency is a Laravel package for all of currency around the world. The package will add files for migrations, seeder (to import data to database) and Model to your Laravel Project.

All currency data will be saved to database, and if you want to get the currency data, you can access trough the Model.

All currency data are from Microsoft official website that i get it at: 26 Oct, 2023. Source: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/linkedin/shared/references/reference-tables/currency-codes

Quick Instalation

Open command line or terminal inside the root of your Laravel project, and run this command to install the package:

composer require ridwaanzan/worldcurrency

Supported Versions

Laravel Version Version Composer Installation
7,8,9 1.1.6 composer require ridwaanzan/worldcurrency

Register Service Provider


If you want to try to use this package in Laravel 6 or the older, it will be error when doing the migrations.

To ensure the use of the service providers class you can open file config/app.php and add Class IndoRegionServiceProvider inside the array of Service Providers:

// Provider Lain

Publish File

Run this command inside your command line or terminal:

php artisan worldcurrency:publish

When you run the command, it will copying files:

  • Migration files from /packages/ridwaanzan/worldcurrency/src/database/migrations to /database/migrations
  • Seeder files from /packages/ridwaanzan/worldcurrency/src/database/seeds to /database/seeds
  • Model files from /packages/ridwaanzan/worldcurrency/src/database/models to /app/Models

After you run the publish command, you should to run:

composer dump-autoload

Migrate and Seeder

You have to run this command to insert the data of world currencies to your database:

php artisan migrate

Import the data of world currencies:

php artisan db:seed --class=WorldCurrencySeeder

Basic Usage

You can use this example of code, to your Laravel project controllers:


use App\Models\WorldCurrency;

// Get all currencies data
$currencies = WorldCurrency::all();

// Search data or find data using id.
$currencies = WorldCurrency::where('code', 'IDR')->first();

$currencyByName = WorldCurrency::where('currency_name', 'LIKE', '%rupiah%')->first();

$currencyByCountry = WorldCurrency::where('country', 'LIKE', '%indonesia%')->first();


If there's a bug, you can mail me to: ridwan.haqi@gmail.com