
Create easy autoconfigurations with annotations to add tag to a service, inject service and arguments, or decorate another service

v1.1.0 2021-12-24 14:49 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-03-11 18:05:22 UTC


autoconfigure bundle badge badge maintainability contributions welcome brightgreen license MIT blue PHP 7 PHP 8 Symfony 4%2B black Symfony 5%2B black

Simplify the service declaration and tagging for Symfony.

Table of content

1. Quick showcase

Import the annotation/annotation, and use them to configure your service like following:

use RichId\AutoconfigureBundle\Annotation as Service;

 * @Service\Argument("$service", DecorationEventListener::class)
 * @Service\Decoration("any_service")
 * @Service\Tag(name="special_tag")
final class DummyClass
    public function __construct($service)

2. Installation

This version of the bundle requires Symfony 4.4+ and PHP 7.3+.

composer require rich-id/autoconfigure-bundle

3. Documentation

3.1. Inject a service or an argument

3.2. Add an EventListener

3.3. Decorate a service

3.4. Tag a service

4. Versioning

autoconfigure-bundle follows semantic versioning. In short the scheme is MAJOR.MINOR.PATCH where 1. MAJOR is bumped when there is a breaking change, 2. MINOR is bumped when a new feature is added in a backward-compatible way, 3. PATCH is bumped when a bug is fixed in a backward-compatible way.

Versions bellow 1.0.0 are considered experimental and breaking changes may occur at any time.

5. Contributing

Contributions are welcomed! There are many ways to contribute, and we appreciate all of them. Here are some of the major ones:

  • Bug Reports: While we strive for quality software, bugs can happen, and we can’t fix issues we’re not aware of. So please report even if you’re not sure about it or just want to ask a question. If anything the issue might indicate that the documentation can still be improved!

  • Feature Request: You have a use case not covered by the current api? Want to suggest a change or add something? We’d be glad to read about it and start a discussion to try to find the best possible solution.

  • Pull Request: Want to contribute code or documentation? We’d love that! If you need help to get started, GitHub as documentation on pull requests. We use the "fork and pull model" were contributors push changes to their personal fork and then create pull requests to the main repository. Please make your pull requests against the master branch.

As a reminder, all contributors are expected to follow our Code of Conduct.

6. License

autoconfigure-bundle is distributed under the terms of the MIT license.

See LICENSE for details.

7. Hacking

You might use Docker and docker-compose to hack the project. Check out the following commands.

# Start the project
docker-compose up -d

# Install dependencies
docker-compose exec application composer install

# Run tests
docker-compose exec application bin/phpunit

# Run a bash within the container
docker-compose exec application bash