
Spotify Web API SDK for PHP

v1.1.0 2021-11-03 15:57 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-12-29 06:46:31 UTC


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Spotify Web API SDK

An SDK for the Spotify Web API, covering all available endpoints and offering different authorization flows.

Reference link (external)

Table of contents

  1. Supported API's
  2. Supported authorization flows
  3. Dependencies
    1. Development dependencies
  4. Installation
  5. Namespace
  6. Usage
    1. First Steps
    2. Authorization
      1. Authorization Code Flow
      2. Authorization Code Flow with Proof Key for Code Exchange(PKCE)
      3. Client Credentials Flow
      4. Persisting tokens
    3. Web API Endpoints
  7. Errors & Exceptions
  8. Contributing
  9. License

Supported API's

  • Search API
  • Browse API
  • Follow API
  • Playlists API
  • Library API
  • Artists API
  • Player API
  • Markets API
  • Personalization API
  • User Profile API
  • Albums API
  • Tracks API
  • Episodes API
  • Shows API

Supported authorization flows

  • Authorization Code
  • Authorization Code with Proof Key for Code Exchange(PKCE)
  • Client Credentials


  • PHP 8.0 or higher
  • Guzzle

Development dependencies

  • PHPUnit


Using composer:

composer require rgjoni/spotify-web-api-sdk




First steps

Firstly, create a main Sdk object with the client credentials(client id, client secret), scopes and the redirect uri. For the credentials, you have to create an app on the developer dashboard.

require '/path/to/vendor/autoload.php';

use Gjoni\SpotifyWebApiSdk;

# The scopes your app would need.
$scopes = [
$redirectUri = "https://my.frontend.io/redirect";

$sdk = new SpotifyWebApiSdk\Sdk("clientId", "clientSecret", $scopes, $redirectUri);


After having created the main sdk object, these are the different ways to authorize your App to act on behalf of a user.

Authorization Code Flow

require '/path/to/vendor/autoload.php';

use Gjoni\SpotifyWebApiSdk\Authorization;

$authorization = new Authorization\AuthorizationCode($sdk);

# Build the URL and have your frontend make a GET request to it.
$url = $authorization->buildUrl();

# After this, you should have an authorization code; use it in another request
# to seek access to user resources.
$accessToken = $authorization->requestAccessToken("auth_code");

# When the access token expires, just refresh it
$newAccessToken = $authorization->refreshAccessToken("refresh_token");

# That's it!

Authorization Code Flow with Proof Key for Code Exchange(PKCE)

  1. Generate code verifier & challenge, persist the verifier and build the url.
require '/path/to/vendor/autoload.php';

use Gjoni\SpotifyWebApiSdk\Authorization;

$authorization = new Authorization\AuthorizationCodePKCE($sdk);

# Generate a code verifier and a code challenge based on it
$verifier = $authorization->generateCodeVerifier();
$challenge = $authorization->generateCodeChallenge($verifier);

# Set the code challenge, it will be needed in the next step

# Have some way to persist the code verifier, it will be needed in the second request.
$cookie = new Cookie($this->cookieConfig);

if (empty($cookie->code_verifier)) {
    $cookie->code_verifier = $verifier;

# Build the URL and have your frontend make a GET request to it.
$url = $authorization->buildUrl();
  1. After getting an authorization code on behalf of the end-user, seek access.
use Gjoni\SpotifyWebApiSdk\Authorization;

$cookie = new Cookie($this->cookieConfig);
$authorization = new Authorization\AuthorizationCodePKCE($this->sdk);

# Get the code verifier from your persistence method, in this case, a cookie
if (!empty($_COOKIE["code_verifier"])) {

# Get your authorization code
$authCode = "my-auth-code";

# Request access
$accessToken = $authorization->requestAccessToken($authCode);

# When needed, refresh access
$newAccessToken = $authorization->refreshAccessToken("refresh-token");

# That's it!

Client Credentials Flow

require '/path/to/vendor/autoload.php';

use Gjoni\SpotifyWebApiSdk\Authorization;

$authorization = new Authorization\ClientCredentials($sdk);

# Directly seek access
$accessToken = $authorization->requestAccessToken();

# That's it!

Persisting tokens

This SDK does not offer tokens persistence(access & refresh token), so that responsibility falls on the consuming project. In the examples in this README, cookie storage is used; but it's not the only possibility, read this & this(external links) for more information.

Web API Endpoints

Now that you have successfully authorized your App and persisted your tokens, now's the time to have some fun and request some user data!

Current user's profile

require '/path/to/vendor/autoload.php';

use Gjoni\SpotifyWebApiSdk\UsersProfile;

$usersProfile = new UsersProfile($sdk);


A public user's profile

require '/path/to/vendor/autoload.php';

use Gjoni\SpotifyWebApiSdk\UsersProfile;

$usersProfile = new UsersProfile($sdk);

# For a user with the id of 'wizzler'

The latter outputs the following JSON response:

  "data": {
    "display_name": "Ronald Pompa",
    "external_urls": {
      "spotify": "https://open.spotify.com/user/wizzler"
    "followers": {
      "href": null,
      "total": 4032
    "href": "https://api.spotify.com/v1/users/wizzler",
    "id": "wizzler",
    "images": [
        "height": null,
        "url": "https://i.scdn.co/image/ab6775700000ee85b5d374d281b9e510eda15fdf",
        "width": null
    "type": "user",
    "uri": "spotify:user:wizzler"

Get a single artist

require '/path/to/vendor/autoload.php';

use Gjoni\SpotifyWebApiSdk\Artists;

$artists = new Artists($sdk);

# For an artist with the id of '0OdUWJ0sBjDrqHygGUXeCF'(Band of Horses)

This outputs the following JSON response:

  "data": {
    "external_urls": {
      "spotify": "https://open.spotify.com/artist/0OdUWJ0sBjDrqHygGUXeCF"
    "followers": {
      "href": null,
      "total": 873614
    "genres": [
      "indie folk",
      "indie pop",
      "indie rock",
      "modern rock",
      "stomp and holler"
    "href": "https://api.spotify.com/v1/artists/0OdUWJ0sBjDrqHygGUXeCF",
    "id": "0OdUWJ0sBjDrqHygGUXeCF",
    "images": [
        "height": 640,
        "url": "https://i.scdn.co/image/0f9a5013134de288af7d49a962417f4200539b47",
        "width": 640
        "height": 320,
        "url": "https://i.scdn.co/image/8ae35be1043f330173de198c35a49161337e829c",
        "width": 320
        "height": 160,
        "url": "https://i.scdn.co/image/602dd7b3a2ee3f3fd86c6c4f50ab9b5a82e23c59",
        "width": 160
    "name": "Band of Horses",
    "popularity": 65,
    "type": "artist",
    "uri": "spotify:artist:0OdUWJ0sBjDrqHygGUXeCF"

Errors & Exceptions

If you make an API request when the access token has expired, the following exception will be thrown:


with the message:

The access token has expired, please refresh the token.

and the error code 401.

Other, usage errors, such as not providing the right parameter or the wrong amount of them, will cause the GuzzleHttp\Exception\RequestException to bubble up to the top, necessitating to be handled by the project.


Pull requests and issues are welcome, please refer to CONTRIBUTORS.md
