
Resurs Bank Payment Gateway for PrestaShop 1.7.x

2.7.11 2022-02-07 08:47 UTC


Find out more from the documentation at Payment Gateways


  • PrestaShop 1.7.6-1.7.7 (tested).
  • For Internet Explorer users: Version 9 or later is required.
  • Compatible with PHP 7.0 and higher.
  • PHP module for curl (For REST-services)
  • PHP module for xml+soapclient (For web-services/WSDL)
  • At least PHP 5.6: As of 2.7.1, the module is no longer compatible with PHP 5.3
  • SSL based library (For outbound communication with Resurs Bank)


For each upgrade you do, make sure you clear all cache data in PrestaShop admin (Via the Advanced->Performance tab).


Download our module from If there are no present tag, for prestashop 1.7 - go check

  1. For both Prestashop 1.6 and 1.7, grab a tagged release from our repos (do not use the master-branch as this usually is a development branch - and even if it's for the moment stable, we can't guarantee full production support at this level).
  2. Unzip the downloaded file into
  3. Make sure you rename the primary directory that you unzipped to the modules directory. If the zip looks like above (, the directory that the module will land under may look like this: resursbankplugins-resurs-checkout-prestashop16-ff8652e77e83
  4. Make sure your cloned or extracted directory under modules is renamed to resursbankcheckout, or the module won't be found by prestashop therefore not work.
  5. Activate the module and configure it through the admin module panel. Do not forget to put the username and password in the credentials field.
  6. Also do not forget to register payment methods and callbacks (see screen dump below)!
  7. Before going production mode, make sure you test the module so you know it covers your needs!

Cloning the repository

You can also clone the respository like the below example, if you are used to use for example SSH. Make sure your directory location is in prestashop-root/modules.

git clone resursbankcheckout

How we deploy ecomphp

Sample script of how we deploy new ecom-releases:

echo "Preparing library structure..."
echo "Clean up cache ..."
composer clear >/dev/null 2>&1
echo "Upgrading vendor by removal..."
rm -fr vendor
composer install --prefer-dist
composer up
echo "Cleaning up unnecessary ignores ..."
find vendor/ -name .gitignore -exec rm -vf {} \; >/dev/null 2>&1
echo "Cleaning up .git structures ..."
find vendor/ -type d -name .git -exec rm -rvf {} \; >/dev/null 2>&1
echo "Cleaning up tests..."
find vendor/ -type d -name tests -exec rm -rvf {} \; >/dev/null 2>&1

