
Resurs Bank AB ecommerce library for PHP.

1.3.90 2023-01-19 10:14 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-01-19 14:46:44 UTC


Resurs EComPHP Gateway for Resurs Bank shop flows, with functionality enough to getting started fast. It communicates with the Simplified Flow API for booking payments, Configuration Service and the After Shop Service API for finalizing, crediting and annulments etc. This full version of the gateway communicates with Hosted Payment Flow and Resurs Checkout (supporting both REST and SOAP). A PHP-reference for EComPHP is located at, if you want to take a look at our automatically generated documentation.

As EComPHP is continuously developed, you should take a look at our bitbucket repo to keep this information updated. It can be found at

Why are there big jumps in the version numbering?

From time to time, we create unofficial internal hotfixes for which bypasses the regular task creation. We should really consider adding those updates to tasks (by reviewing commits), but sometimes it's also very much about spellchecking and docblock adjustments. They are rarely connected to tasks. The gaps are filled in with "- x.x.x" where the dash stands for "up to this version, those changes has been made".

Regular requirements, dependencies and information

  • EComPHP 1.3 was written for PHP 5.6, but there's no longer any guarantee for it to work in legacy systems. Make sure to upgrade.
  • OpenSSL - or similar. SSL drivers are required for communication with Resurs Bank.
  • curl: php-curl with SSL support (Make sure the above SSL requirement is fulfilled!).
  • php-xml and streams (For the SOAP parts).
  • EComPHP uses NetCURL for "mixed calls" (SOAP vs REST). The packagist component is located here.
  • If you plan to ONLY use Resurs Checkout (checkout only, with no aftershop, callbacks or needs of listing payment methods etc) - there should be no need for SoapClient.

Revoked Releases

  • EComPHP 1.2 has been revoked entirely.
  • EComPHP 1.1 and 1.0 is no longer officially maintained (july 2020).

Testing: Bamboo, github actions and bitbucket pipelines

EComPHP is tested within a few different suites. Due to the lack of "test time", tests are not entirely fulfilled in the Bitbucket Cloud, which is why tests also are executed from other places on commits. Below is a list of those instances.

Verified PHP releases

Take a look at this page if you're unsure which PHP versions that are still supported by the PHP team. As of february 2020, only 7.3 and 7.4 have full support open. 7.2 still do have security patch support, but is on deprecation. All older versions are completely unsupported and should probably get upgrade by you also.

7.3 - 8.0 - Supported, autotests active.
5.6 - 7.2 - SUpported, no autotests, [EOL by PHP](


For Ubuntu, you can quickly fetch those with apt-get like below, if your system is missing them:

apt-get install php-curl php-xml php-soap

There might be a slight chance that you also need openssl or similar, as our services runs on https-only (normally openssl are delivered automatically, but sometimes they do not - apt-get install openssl might work in those cases if you have access to the server).

Using composer

composer require resursbank/ecomphp:^1.3

Self deployed packages

If you are planning to deploy a plugin bundled with this package, you can run composer with the parameter --prefer-dist You should also make sure that the repositories that is also downloaded together with this package is cleaned up properly: The .git directories must be removed, or a composer install is required before using it. Such deployment could look like this:

composer clearcache
rm -rf vendor composer.lock
composer install --prefer-dist
find vendor/ -type d -name .git -exec rm -rf {} \; >/dev/null 2>&1
find vendor/ -name .gitignore -exec rm {} \; >/dev/null 2>&1

Getting started

This is a short example of how to get started, but you can take a look at our documentation for details and getting started for real.

    $resurs = new \Resursbank\RBEcomPHP\ResursBank($myMerchantUserName, $myMerchantPassword);
    $methods = $resurs->getPaymentMethods();

What this library do and do not

  • If you are used to work with the simplified flow and wish to use Hosted/Checkout, you can stick to the use of the older SimplifiedFlow variables, as this library converts what's missing between the different flows.
  • The EComPHP-library takes care of many things that developers usually miss in their development. Especially the payload handling.
  • Both SOAP and REST is supported, under the condition that there are drivers available for it.