restpackio/restpack-php PHP client for HTML to PDF API, and Screenshot API

1.1.0 2021-04-30 11:13 UTC


Official PHP client for Restpack APIs


Requires PHP 5.6.

The recommended way to install restpack-php is through Composer:

First, install Composer:

$ curl -sS | php

Next, install the latest restpack-php:

$ php composer.phar require restpackio/restpack-php

Finally, you need to require the library in your PHP application:

require "vendor/autoload.php";

Screenshot API

For detailed documentation, please visit Screenshot API v6 Reference page.

$screenshot = new Restpack\Screenshot("<YOUR ACCESS TOKEN>");

// Capture given URL. Return the document details and CDN url of the Image
$screenshot->capture("", [ "format" => "png" /* , other options */ ])

// Capture given html content. Return the document details and CDN url of the Image
$screenshot->captureHTML("<p><b>Bold text</b> etc</p>", [ "format" => "png" /* , other options */ ])

// Capture given URL. Return the image file as Buffer
$screenshot->captureToImage("", [ "format" => "png" /* , other options */ ])

// Capture given html content. Return the image file as Buffer
$screenshot->captureHTMLToImage("<p><b>Bold text</b> etc</p>", [ "format" => "png" /* , other options */ ])


For detailed documentation, please visit HTML to PDF API v5 Reference page.

$htmlpdf = new Restpack\HTMLToPDF("<YOUR ACCESS TOKEN>");

// Convert given URL to PDF. Return the document details and CDN url of PDF
$htmlpdf->convert("", [ "pdf_page" => "A4" /* , other options */ ])

// Convert given html content to PDF. Return the document details and CDN url of PDF
$htmlpdf->convertHTML("<p><b>Bold text</b> etc</p>", [ "pdf_page" => "A4" /* , other options */ ])

// Convert given URL to PDF. Return the PDF document as Buffer
$htmlpdf->convertToPDF("", [ "pdf_page" => "A4" /* , other options */ ])

// Convert given html content to PDF. Return the PDF document as Buffer
$htmlpdf->convertHTMLToPDF("<p><b>Bold text</b> etc</p>", [ "pdf_page" => "A4" /* , other options */ ])