
Based on phpoffice/phpSpreadsheet package in laravel, let developers get started faster

0.0.3 2020-03-08 16:53 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-05-11 23:11:12 UTC


The reason for the development of this extension is that the business will often generate data in a specific XLSX format export, according to the daily development of some requirements features.integration of general functions, to achieve the requirements through the minimum configuration, do not need to see the corresponding PhpSpreadsheet package documents.However, for some complex requirements, you still need to check the phpspreadsheet documentation.

The environment

php >7.1
Laravel  6.*
phpoffice/phpspreadsheet ^1.11


composer require remember/laravel-spreadsheet

If there is a lack of extension, please install the extension first

Publish configuration

php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Remember\LaravelPhpSpreadsheet\LaravelPhpSpreadsheetServiceProvider"

configuration file


 * You can place your custom package configuration in here.
return [
    'startRow' => 2,
    'startLine' => 1,
    //Generate the cell format
    'columns' => [
//        'student' => [
//            'fileName' => 'demo123'.time(),
//            'title' => 'demo1',
//            'lineName' => [
//                'name', 'age', 'address',
//            ],
//        ],
    'style' => [
        'format' => [
            //Default horizontal vertical center
            'alignment' => [
                 * you can set: left、right、 center、 centerContinuous、 justify、 fill
                'horizontal' => 'center',
                'vertical' => 'center',
        //default cell width
        'width' => 15,
        'extra-width' => [
            'A' => 20,
            'B' => 25,
        //style cell border
        'border' => [
            'A1:B1' => [
                'borders' => [
                    'outline' => [
                        // Border style
                        // borderStyle you can set:
                        // dashDot dashDotDot dashed dotted double hair medium';
                        // 'mediumDashDot mediumDashDotDot mediumDashed slantDashDot thick thin';
                        'borderStyle' => 'thick',
                        'color' => ['argb' => 'FFFF0000'],





if you want the browser to download the data and save it as an Excel file

$data = [
            ['wuqinqiang', 23, 'HangZhou'],
            ['curry', 25, 'ShangHai'],
            ['Tom', 30, 'ShenZhen']
app('laravel-phpSpreadsheet')->downloadFile('student', $data);

If you want to save the file,then return file path

$path=app('laravel-phpSpreadsheet')->saveFile('student', $data);
return $path;

If your data is taken from the database and the data is not easily populated into the specified column.You can just generate one shelf,then populate it yourself.

$data = [
            ['name'=>'wuqinqiang', 'age'=>24, 'address'=>'QuZhou'],
            ['name'=>'zhangsan', 'age'=>26, 'address'=>'HangZhou',],
            ['name'=>'lisi', 'age'=>30, 'address'=>'ShenZhen'],
        $sheet= $phpSpreadsheet->init('student');
        $sheet = app('laravel-phpSpreadsheet')->init('student');
        collect($data)->map(function ($res) use ($sheet, &$count) {
            $sheet->setCellValue('A' . $count, $res['name']);
            $sheet->setCellValue('B' . $count, $res['age']);
            $sheet->setCellValue('C' . $count, $res['address']);
        // save file
       $file= $phpSpreadsheet->saveLocal('student');
       // download


Please see CHANGELOG for more information what has changed recently.


Please see CONTRIBUTING for details.


If you discover any security related issues, please email instead of using the issue tracker.



The MIT License (MIT). Please see License File for more information.