
CPR: Danish personal identification numbers


A class representing Danish civil registration numbers (CPR numbers).

The CPR number is a ten digit number with the format DDMMYY-SSSS, where the first six digits represent the date of birth and the last four digits are a sequence number.

The CPR number is used in Denmark to uniquely identify persons in various systems, and is also used as a personal identification number in many contexts.

The class represents a CPR number as a read-only value object, and provides methods for working with, formatting, and validating CPR numbers.

  • Full name: \Reload\Cpr\CprNumber



Construct a CPR number readonly value object from a string.

public __construct(string $cpr)


Parameter Type Description
$cpr string A string with the CPR number.


If the CPR number does not contain 10 digits

If the date in the CPR number doesn't exist.


Format the CPR number in the traditional format (120345-6789).

public __toString(): string

See Also:

  • \Reload\Cpr\CprNumber::formatPretty() -


Format the CPR number in the traditional format (120345-6789).

public formatPretty(): string


Format the CPR number using numbers only (1203456789).

public formatNumbersOnly(): string


Check if the CPR number represents a female person.

public isFemale(): bool


Check if the CPR number represents a male person.

public isMale(): bool


Get a DateTimeImmutable object from the CPR number.

public getDateTimeImmutable(?\DateTimeZone $timezone = null): ?\DateTimeImmutable


Parameter Type Description
$timezone ?\DateTimeZone
A DateTimeZone object representing the desired time zone.

If timezone is omitted or null the current timezone will be


Validate the CPR number using the modulus 11 algorithm.

public validateModulus11(): bool

NOTICE: CPR numbers are no longer required to fulfill the modulus 11 check. You should NOT use this method to validate or dismiss CPR numbers.