
There is no license information available for the latest version (v2.8.0) of this package.

Standalone library to index the RW database into the API elasticsearch indexes.


Standalone application to index the content of the RW database into the API elasticsearch indexes without Drupal.

Command line

Usage: php PATH/TO/Indexer.php [options] <entity-bundle>
    -h, --help display this help
    -e, --elasticsearch <arg> Elasticsearch URL, defaults to
    -H, --mysql-host <arg> Mysql host, defaults to localhost
    -P, --mysql-port <arg> Mysql port, defaults to 3306
    -u, --mysql-user <arg> Mysql user, defaults to root
    -p, --mysql-pass <arg> Mysql pass, defaults to none
    -d, --database <arg> Database name, deaults to reliefwebint_0
    -b, --base-index-name <arg> Base index name, deaults to reliefwebint_0
    -t, --tag <arg> Tag appended to the index name, defaults to empty string
    -w, --website <arg> Website URL, deaults to
    -l, --limit <arg> Maximum number of entities to index, defaults to 0 (all)
    -o, --offset <arg> ID of the entity from which to start the indexing, defaults to the most recent one
    -f, --filter <arg> Filter documents to index. Format: 'field1:value1,value2+field2:value1,value2'
    -c, --chunk-size <arg> Number of entities to index at one time, defaults to 500
    -i, --id Id of an entity item to index, defaults to 0 (none)
    -r, --remove Removes an entity if 'id' is provided or the index for the given entity bundle
    -a, --alias Set up the alias for the index after the indexing, ignored if id is provided
    -A, --alias-only Set up the alias for the index without indexing, ignored if id is provided


Add the library with composer:

composer require "reliefweb/api-indexer"

And then create a new Manager, providing an options array (see above for the options using their fullname):

use RWAPIIndexer\Manager;

// Indexing options to index all reports.
$options = array(
  'bundle' => 'report',
  'elasticsearch' => '',
  'mysql-host' => 'localhost',
  'mysql-port' => 3306,
  'mysql-user' => 'root',
  'mysql-pass' => '',
  'database' => 'DATABASE_NAME',
  'base-index-name' => 'ELASTICSEARCH_INDEX_PREFIX',
  'tag' => '',
  'website' => '',
  'limit' => 0,
  'offset' => 0,
  'chunk-size' => 500,
  'id' => 0,
  'remove' => FALSE,
  'alias' => TRUE,

// Create the indexing manager.
$manager = new Manager($options);

// Index or delete based on the provided options.


It's recommended to have php-hoedown installed. If not, the indexer will default to the PHP League CommonMark library which is slower.