
Minimal, Lightweight, and Fast PHP Dependency Injection Container.

0.0.1 2022-11-16 11:09 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-05-27 11:26:42 UTC



Minimal, Lightweight, and Fast PHP Dependency Injection Container


composer require redot/container


composer test


The methodologies of the container are based on the Dependency Injection paradigm, using the ReflectionClass to get class dependencies.

To use the container, you must first create a new instance of the container.

use Redot\Container\Container;

$container = new Container();

Or just use the static method Container::getInstance(), that will return the globally available container if it exists, or create a new one.

$container = Container::getInstance();

After you have created the container, you can bind your dependencies to the container.


Also, you can create a singleton, that will be returned every time you call the get method.

$container->singleton('foo', function () {
    // ...

Singletons are useful for classes that are expensive to instantiate, but only need to be created once.

To get a dependency from the container, you can call the make method.

$foo = $container->make('foo');

The main difference between make and get is that make accepts a second parameter, which is an array of parameters to pass to the constructor of the class, while get does not because of implementing PSR-11

By the way you can also create an alias for a class, so you can call it with a different name.

$container->alias(Foo::class, 'bar');


Don't worry about the auto-wiring, the container will do it for you.


It will automatically bind the dependencies of the class, and if the class has a constructor, it will pass the dependencies to it, also the container can inject specific method dependencies using the call method.

$container->call([Foo::class, 'setBar'], ['bar' => $bar]);

And that's it! Enjoy ✌.