
This package is abandoned and no longer maintained. No replacement package was suggested.
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Symfony2 Bundle to help render PDF Invoices

Installs: 1 480

Dependents: 0

Suggesters: 0

Security: 0

Stars: 6

Watchers: 1

Forks: 1


dev-master 2018-04-24 10:24 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2022-10-01 06:05:13 UTC


Freelance Banner

Invoice Painter Bundle

This Symfony2 bundle has the simple purpose of helping your application generate PDF invoices. It doesn't concern itself with logic relating to your pricing or payment system, this work is still performed by your application.

Installation and configuration


    "require": {
        "realtyhub/invoice-painter-bundle": "dev-master"



public function registerBundles()
    $bundles = array(
        // ...
        new Realtyhub\InvoicePainterBundle\RealtyhubInvoicePainterBundle(),


    currency_symbol: "dollar" #supported options 'dollar', 'pound', 'euro', 'yen'
    tax_short_name: "TAX" #Can be any string you like, such as "VAT" or "GST"

Basic Usage

//Inside controller file
use Realtyhub\InvoicePainterBundle\Entity\InvoicePainterDataContainer;
use Realtyhub\InvoicePainterBundle\Entity\InvoicePainterItem;

class DefaultController extends Controller
    public function invoiceTestAction()
        $invoiceData = new InvoicePainterDataContainer();
        $invoiceData->setInvoiceDate( new \DateTime() );
        $invoiceData->setTaxNumber( '200 122 492' );
        $invoiceData->setInvoiceNumber( 'INV00034' );
        $invoiceData->addClientNameLine('Your clients name');
        $invoiceData->addClientNameLine('or clients business name');
        $invoiceData->addClientAddressLine('89 Green Road');
        $invoiceData->addClientAddressLine('Melbourne, VIC');
        $invoiceData->addCompanyNameLine('Your Company Name');
        $invoiceData->addCompanyNameLine('Another line of your company name');
        $invoiceData->addCompanyAddressLine('920 Smith Street');
        $invoiceData->addCompanyAddressLine('Sydney, NSW');
        $invoiceData->addInvoiceItem( InvoicePainterItem::createFromParams(1499, 0.2, 'Dell Laptop', new \DateTime() ) );
        $invoiceData->addInvoiceItem( InvoicePainterItem::createFromParams(119, 0.2, 'Canon Computer Printer', new \DateTime() ) );
        $invoiceData->addInvoiceItem( InvoicePainterItem::createFromParams(6, 0.2, 'A4 printer paper', new \DateTime() ) );
        return $this->forward('realtyhub_invoice_painter:paintAction', array('invoiceData' => $invoiceData));

###Alternative technique using InvoicePainterItemInterface

You may already have an entity that directly relates to an invoice item. For example, your entity may already contain the Sale price, the tax rate, description and sale date.

In this case you can make this entity implement InvoicePainterItemInterface

//Some entity file
use Realtyhub\InvoicePainterBundle\Entity\InvoicePainterItemInterface;

 * @ORM\Table(name="sales_history")
 * @ORM\Entity()
class SalesHistory implements InvoicePainterItemInterface

     * @ORM\Column(name="description", type="string", length=255)
    private $description;
     * @ORM\Column(name="sale_at", type="datetime")
    private $saleAt;
     * @ORM\Column(name="price_ex_tax", type="float")
    private $priceExTax;
     * @ORM\Column(name="tax_rate", type="float")
    private $taxRate;
    //Implement methods from InvoicePainterItemInterface
    public function getInvoicePainterAmountEx()
         return $this->priceExTax;

    public function getInvoicePainterTaxRate()
         return $this->taxRate;

    public function getInvoicePainterDate()
         return $this->saleAt;
    public function getInvoicePainterDescription()
         return $this->description;

//changes required in the controller action

$salesHistory = $salesHistoryRepository->findAll();

foreach ($salesHistory as $sale)
    // $sale will be instance of SalesHistory 
    $invoiceData->addInvoiceItem( InvoicePainterItem::createFromInterface($sale) ); //instead of $invoiceData->addInvoiceItem( InvoicePainterItem::createFromParams(1499, 0.2, 'Dell Laptop', new \DateTime() ) );