
Implementation of Bootstrap Form Types for Symfony 2

dev-master 2015-10-21 10:20 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-09-28 14:08:44 UTC


This bundle provides symfony 2 form types powered by twitter bootstrap.


  • Symfony 2.x
  • Twitter bootstrap and jquery already loaded in your layout


Add the repository to your composer.json

"rc2c/form-twitter-bundle": "dev-master"

Run Composer to install the bundle

php composer.phar update rc2c/form-twitter-bundle

Enable the bundle in AppKernel.php

    new Rc2c\FormTwitterBundle\Rc2cFormTwitterBundle(),


The Bootstrap Multiselect jquery plugin present in this bundle is from davidstutz. Use the new form type in a buildForm method in remplacement of a choice type

  public function buildForm(FormBuilderInterface $builder, array $options)
            ->add('my_choices', 'multiselectchoice', array(
                'label'     => ' ',
                'read_only' => true,
                'choices'   => array(...)

You can set some options to change the behaviour of the widget :

		'btnSelectAll' => false, // (default: true) Disables the "select all" button
		'buttonClass'  => 'btn-primary', // (default : "btn") Set the class of the dropdown button 
        'maxHeight'    => 450, // (default: false) Set a max height of the dropdown list