
backend menu builder

v1.0 2020-03-17 13:24 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-12-18 03:12:48 UTC


Total Downloads License

A quick and easy way to build menus in Laravel

Laravel Menu Architect


composer require rc1021/laravel-menu-architect

If you are in Laravel 5.5 you won't need to edit your config/app.php, if you are in a previous version of Laravel, please do the following:

Append Laravel Menu service provider to providers array in config/app.php.

'providers' => [

         * Laravel Framework Service Providers...





At the end of config/app.php add 'MenuArct' => Rc1021\LaravelMenuArchitect\Facades\MenuArct::class to the $aliases array:

'aliases' => [

    'App'       => Illuminate\Support\Facades\App::class,
    'Artisan'   => Illuminate\Support\Facades\Artisan::class,
    'MenuArct'      => Rc1021\LaravelMenuArchitect\Facades\MenuArct::class,


This registers the package with Laravel and creates an alias called MenuArct.

To use your own settings, publish config.

php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Rc1021\\LaravelMenuArchitect\\LaravelMenuArchitectServiceProvider"

Getting Started

Start up laravel server

php artisan serve

and open get start.

Demo data (seeder)

You can seeder the database first.

php artisan db:seed --class=MenuArchitectSeeder

Finally, open a view and add:

{!! menu_arct('admin') !!}

Your menu will be created and displayed on the page.

Output data

You can also get menu data format by 'array' or 'json', like that:

$arr_menu = menu_arct('admin', '_array');
$json_menu = menu_arct('admin', '_json');

Output display

Display Menu

Custom data method

You can customize some methods to use $menu, $menu->items(relation with menu_id), $items(parent-children).

$customize_func = function ($menu) 
    // $menu: main menu modal.
    // $menu->items: items by menu_id.
    // $menu->buildTree(): get a hierarchical array data.(parent, children)

    $collection = collect($menu->items);
    $filtered = $collection->filter(function ($item, $key) {
        return $item['depth'] == 2 and isset($item['children']);
    return $filtered->all();

$customize_data = menu_arct('admin', 'key', ['key' => $customize_func]);

Output display with custom view

Custom View

Now, you can add a view to resources/views/vendor/menu_architect/display to render menu.

if you have a view called your_view.blade.php

// your_view.blade.php

// $menu: main menu modal
// $menu->items: items by menu_id
// $items: Hierarchical array data(parent, children)

<ul class="sidebar-menu tree" data-widget="tree">
    @foreach ($items as $item)
        <li class="header {{$item['class']}}" style="{{empty($item['color'])?:'color:'.$item['color']}}">{{$item['label']}}</li>
            @each('menu_architect::menu.display.adminlte_list', $item['children'], 'item')

and you can do menu_arct('admin', 'your_view') to render result

If You Need Help

Please submit all issues and questions using GitHub issues and I will try to help you.


Please feel free to submit pull requests if you can improve or add any features.



Laravel Menu Architect is free software distributed under the terms of the MIT license.