
Razorpay Magento 2.X plugin for accepting recurring payments.


This is the official Razorpay Subscriptions payment gateway plugin for Magento. Allows you to accept recurring payments on Magento using the Razorpay Subscriptions API.


  1. Razorpay subscription module is dependent on razorpay/magento. Make sure that this module is already existing before running the enable or upgrade command


Install the extension through composer package manager.

composer require razorpay/subscriptions-magento-plugin
bin/magento module:enable Razorpay_Subscription

Install through "code.zip" file

Extract the attached code.zip from release

Go to "app" folder

Overwrite content of "code" folder with step one "code" folder (Note: if code folder not exist just place the code folder from step-1).

Run from magento root folder.

bin/magento module:enable Razorpay_Magento
bin/magento module:enable Razorpay_Subscription
bin/magento setup:upgrade

You can check if the module has been installed using bin/magento module:status

You should be able to see Razorpay_Magento and Razorpay_Subscription in the module list

Go to Admin -> Stores -> Configuration -> Payment Method -> Razorpay to configure Razorpay

If you do not see Razorpay in your gateway list, please clear your Magento Cache from your admin panel (System -> Cache Management).

Note: Don't mix composer and zip install.

Note: Make sure "zipcode" must be required field for billing and shipping address.**


Visit https://razorpay.com for support requests or email contact@razorpay.com.