
An external media access framework

0.10.0 2024-12-18 04:32 UTC


codecov Type Coverage Continuous Integration



Ray.QueryModule makes a query to an external media such as a database or Web API with a function object to be injected.

  • SqlQueryModule is for DB. Convert the SQL file to a simple function object that executes that SQL.
  • WebQueryModule is for the Web API. Convert the URI and method set into a simple function object that Web requests to that URI.
  • PhpQueryModule is a generic module. It provides storage access which can not be provided by static conversion by PHP function object.


  • You can have a clear boundary between domain layer (usage code) and infrastructure layer (injected function) in code.
  • Execution objects are generated automatically so you do not need to write procedural code for execution.
  • Since usage codes are indifferent to the actual state of external media, storage can be changed later. Easy parallel development and stabbing.


Composer install

$ composer require ray/query-module

Module install

use Ray\Di\AbstractModule;
use Ray\Query\SqlQueryModule;

class AppModule extends AbstractModule
    protected function configure()
        // SqlQueryModule install
        $this->install(new SqlQueryModule($sqlDir));

        // WebQueryModule install
        $webQueryConfig = [
            'post_todo' => ['POST', 'https://httpbin.org/todo'], // bind-name => [method, uri]
            'get_todo' => ['GET', 'https://httpbin.org/todo']
        $guzzleConfig = []; // @see http://docs.guzzlephp.org/en/stable/request-options.html
        $this->install(new WebQueryModule($webQueryConfig, $guzzleConfig));

SQL files


INSERT INTO todo (id, title) VALUES (:id, :title)


SELECT * FROM todo WHERE id = :id

Convert SQL to SQL invocation object

A callable object injected into the constructor. Those object was made in specified sql with @Named binding.

class Todo
     * @var callable
    private $createTodo;
     * @var callable
    private $todo;
     * @Named("createTodo=todo_insert, todo=todo_item_by_id")
    public function __construct(
        callable $createTodo,
        callable $todo
        $this->createTodo = $createTodo;
        $this->todo = $todo;
    public function get(string $uuid)
        return ($this->todo)(['id' => $uuid]);

    public function create(string $uuid, string $title)
            'id' => $uuid,
            'title' => $title

Row or RowList

You can specify expected return value type is either Row or RowList with RowInterface or RowListInterface. RowInterface is handy to specify SQL which return single row.

use Ray\Query\RowInterface;

class Todo
     * @Named("todo_item_by_id")
    public function __construct(RowInterface $todo)
        $this->todo = $todo;
    public function get(string $uuid)
        $todo = ($this->todo)(['id' => $uuid]); // single row data
use Ray\Query\RowListInterface;

class Todos
     * @Named("todos")
    public function __construct(RowListInterface $todos)
        $this->todos = $todos;
    public function get(string $uuid)
        $todos = ($this->todos)(); // multiple row data

Override the method with callable object

Entire method invocation can be override with callable object in specified with @Query.

class Foo
     * @Query(id="todo_item_by_id")
    public function get(string $id)

When parameter name is different method arguments and Query object arguments, uri_template style expression can solve it.

class FooTempalted
     * @Query(id="todo_item_by_id?id={a}", templated=true)
    public function get(string $a)

Specify type='row' when single row result is expected to return.

class FooRow
     * @Query(id="ticket_item_by_id", type="row")
    public function onGet(string $id) : ResourceObject

If there is no SELECT result, it returns 404 Not Found.

Convert URI to Web request object

With WebQueryModule, it converts the URI bound in the configuration into an invocation object for web access and injects it. In the following example, an invocation object of $createTodo which makes POST request to https://httpbin.org/todo is injected as $createTodo.

use Ray\Di\AbstractModule;
use Ray\Query\SqlQueryModule;

class AppModule extends AbstractModule
    protected function configure()
        // WebQueryModuleインストール
        $webQueryConfig = [
            'todo_post' => ['POST', 'https://httpbin.org/todo'],
            'todo_get' => ['GET', 'https://httpbin.org/todo']
        $guzzleConfig = [];
        $this->install(new WebQueryModule($webQueryConfig, $guzzleConfig));

The usage code is the same as for SqlQueryModule.

 * @Named("createTodo=todo_post, todo=todo_get")
public function __construct(
    callable $createTodo,
    callable $todo
    $this->createTodo = $createTodo;
    $this->todo = $todo;
    'id' => $uuid,
    'title' => $title

// GET
($this->todo)(['id' => $uuid]);

The usage code of @Query does not change either.

Bind to PHP class

If other dependencies are needed, we bind to PHP class and use dependency as a service.

class CreateTodo implements QueryInterface
    private $pdo;
    private $builder;

    public function __construct(PdoInterface $pdo, QueryBuilderInferface $builder)
        $this->pdo = $pdo;
        $this->builder = $builder;

    public function __invoke(array $query)
        // Query execution using $pdo and $builder
        return $result;

Bind to callable.

$this->bind('')->annotatedWith('cretate_todo')->to(CreateTodo::class); // callableはインターフェイスなし

The usage codes are the same. The usage code of @Query does not change either.

ISO8601 DateTime Module

Convert the specified column name value to the ISO8601 format. In PHP, it is a format defined by constants of DateTime::ATOM. Install date column names as an array and pass it as an argument to Iso8601FormatModule.

$this->install(new Iso8601FormatModule(['created_at', 'updated_at']));

SQL file name log

The SQL file name can be appended to the SQL statement as a comment. This is useful for query logging.

use Ray\Query\SqlFileName;
use Ray\Query\SqlQueryModule;

$this->install(new SqlQueryModule(__DIR__ . '/Fake/sql', null, new SqlFileName()));

Execute SQL

/* todo_item_by_id.sql */ SELECT * FROM todo WHERE id = :id


php demo/run.php

BEAR.Sunday example