
RawRouter is a simple router used by RawPHP framework and other applications.

dev-master / 0.x-dev 2014-12-22 21:37 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-02-20 08:52:03 UTC


Build Status Coverage Status Latest Stable Version Total Downloads Latest Unstable Version License


Package Features

  • Simple to use router
  • MVC style routing



RawRouter is available via Composer/Packagist.

Add "rawphp/raw-router": "0.*@dev" to the require block in your composer.json and then run composer install.

        "require": {
            "rawphp/raw-router": "0.*@dev"

You can also simply run the following from the command line:

composer require rawphp/raw-router "0.*@dev"


Alternatively, just copy the contents of the RawRouter folder into somewhere that's in your PHP include_path setting. If you don't speak git or just want a tarball, click the 'zip' button at the top of the page in GitHub.

Basic Usage


use RawPHP\RawRouter\Router;

// configuration
$config = array(
    'default_controller' => 'home',                             // the controller that will handle requests if the requested controller is not found
    'default_action'     => 'index',                            // the default action (method) to call if the requested action is not found
    'namemspace'         => 'RawPHP\\RawRouter\\Controllers\\', // the controllers namespace, leave empty if namespaces are not used

// get new router instance
$router = new Router( );

// initialise router
$router->init( $config );

// example request
// http://example.com/users/get/1

$route = 'users/get';                                           // the route must be in one of the following formats [ controller, controller/action, controller/action/param/param/... ]
$params = array( 1 );                                           // array of values to be passed to the action method in the correct order

// create controller
$controller = $router->createController( $route, $params );

// run controller action
$controller->run( );


This package is licensed under the MIT. Read LICENSE for information on the software availability and distribution.


Please submit bug reports, suggestions and pull requests to the GitHub issue tracker.



  • Tested on PHP 5.3


  • Replaced php array configuration with yaml


  • Added loadView() method to Controller which can load html templates
  • Added LEController that extends Controller and provides languages features. It can load different language translations required for use in html templates.
  • Updated to work with the latest rawphp/rawbase package.
  • Added init() methods to both Controllers to ensure that the controller gets initialised properly.


  • Updated to work with the latest rawphp/rawbase package.
  • Added extra hooks to Action.
  • Removed the constructor added new setAction( IAction ) method on Controller.


  • Implemented the hook system.
  • Renamed RawController -> Controller.


  • Changed router constructor to take a configuration array rather than individual parameters.


  • Initial Code Commit