
Generate a random id with your own prefix for your Eloquent models.

4.0.3 2025-01-29 09:41 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-03-01 00:37:15 UTC


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Laravel package to generate a random ID with your prefix for your Eloquent models


Eloquent MUID

Available 3 lengths of Muid

MUID Char count
tiny 16 char
small 24 char
standard 36 char

the length can be altered from the config file if you wish.

Laravel Package
v8.* v1.*
v9.* v2.*
v10.* v3.*


You can install the package via Composer:

composer require rawaby88/muid


You can extend the provided model classes, or by using a trait

Extending model

When creating an Eloquent model, instead of extending the standard Laravel model class, extend from the model class provided by this package:

namespace App\Models;

use Rawaby88\Muid\Database\Eloquent\Model;

class Organization extends Model
	 * The "prefix" of the MUID.
	 * @var string
	protected $keyPrefix = 'org_';

Extending user model

Extending the User class provided by this package:


namespace App\Models;

use \Rawaby88\Muid\Foundation\Auth\User as Authenticatable;

class User extends Authenticatable
	 * The "prefix" of the MUID.
	 * @var string
	protected $keyPrefix = 'user_';

Using trait

As an alternative to extending the classes in the examples above, you also have the ability to use the provided trait instead


namespace App\Models;

use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model;
use Rawaby88\Muid\Database\Eloquent\Muid;

class Organization extends Model
    use Muid;
	 * The "prefix" of the MUID.
	 * @var string
	protected $keyPrefix = 'organization_';


in order to generate the prefix for your muid, you will need to provide this information in the model itself by adding $keyPrefix, if no prefix provided muid will be generated without prefix

 * The "prefix" of the MUID.
 * @var string
protected $keyPrefix = 'example_';

Creating models

In addition to the make:model artisan command, you will now have access to muid:make:model which has all the functionality of the standard make:model command (with the exception of not being able to create a pivot model):

php artisan muid:make:model Models/Organization --all

Database migration

This package includes all types to generate your MUID in an easy way

lists of available Blueprints:

Blueprint Size Description
primaryMuid 36 Create a new muid column as the primary key(s) for the table
muid 36 Create a new muid column on the table
foreignMuid 36 Create a new muid column on the table with a foreign key constraint
muidMorphs 36 Add the proper columns for a polymorphic table using MUIDs
nullableMuidMorphs 36 Add nullable columns for a polymorphic table using MUIDs
primarySmallMuid 24 Create a new muid column as the primary key(s) for the table
smallMuid 24 Create a new muid column on the table
foreignSmallMuid 24 Create a new muid column on the table with a foreign key constraint
muidSmallMorphs 24 Add the proper columns for a polymorphic table using MUIDs
nullableSmallMuidMorphs 24 Add nullable columns for a polymorphic table using MUIDs
primaryTinyMuid 16 Create a new muid column as the primary key(s) for the table
tinyMuid 16 Create a new muid column on the table
foreignTinyMuid 16 Create a new muid column on the table with a foreign key constraint
muidTinyMorphs 16 Add the proper columns for a polymorphic table using MUIDs
nullableTinyMuidMorphs 16 Add nullable columns for a polymorphic table using MUIDs

Migration example


Schema::create( 'model_with_primaryMuid_test', function ( Blueprint $table ): void
    $table->primaryMuid( 'id' );
    $table->string( 'name' );
} );

Schema::create( 'model_with_muid_test', function ( Blueprint $table ): void
    $table->muid( 'id' )->primary();
    $table->string( 'name' );
} );

Schema::create( 'model_with_foreignMuid_test', function ( Blueprint $table ): void
    $table->muid( 'id' )->primary();
    $table->foreignMuid( 'model_with_muid_test_id' )->constrained( 'model_with_muid_test' );
} );

Schema::create( 'model_with_muidMorph_test', function ( Blueprint $table ): void
    $table->muid( 'id' )->primary();
    $table->muidMorphs( 'testable' );
} );

Schema::create( 'model_with_nullableMuidMorphs_test', function ( Blueprint $table ): void
    $table->muid( 'id' )->primary();
    $table->nullableMuidMorphs( 'testable' );
} );

Schema::create( 'model_without_muid_test', function ( Blueprint $table ): void
    $table->primaryMuid( 'id' );
} );

Publish Config

Once done, publish the config to your config folder using:

php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Rawaby88\Muid\MuidServiceProvider"


| Muid length
| Here you can change the MUID length.
| remember that length include [prefix, timestamp(6)chars] and the rest will be random bits
| recommended to have minimum of 16 chars
'tiny_muid_length'  => 16,
'small_muid_length' => 24,
'muid_length'       => 36,

| Random string strings
| Recommended not to change
'alfa_small'   => 'abcdefghilkmnopqrstuvwxyz',
'digits'       => '0123456789',

| Capital Char options
| Set it to FALSE if you wish not to use capital letters in the generated MUID
'allow_capital' => TRUE,


composer test


Please see CHANGELOG for more information on what has changed recently.


Please see CONTRIBUTING for details.


If you discover any security-related issues, please email github@dreamod.pl instead of using the issue tracker.



The MIT License (MIT). Please see License File for more information.

Laravel Package Boilerplate

This package was generated using the Laravel Package Boilerplate.