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RoadRunner app server configuration out of the box for Symfony

v1.0.2 2019-09-11 15:53 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-04-21 22:27:46 UTC


Roadrunner app server configuration for symfony

What does this package do?

  • has a working worker configuration that bridges PSR requests from Symfony to Roadrunner
  • has all required dependencies installed
  • enables debugging applications (web profiler works, phpstorm xdebug works, the symfony dump() function is overwritten to write objects to the roadrunner console)
  • fixes internal server errors where trying to reach non-existing static files.


  1. Make sure PHP CLI is installed and the roadrunner executable was compiled. For help, see RoadRunner docs at https://roadrunner.dev/docs/intro-install
  2. Make sure the roadrunner executable is in your PATH. If you named the executable different than rr or rr.exe, or didn't rewrite PATH for some reason, rewrite rrserve.sh after requiring the package accordingly.
  3. composer require rapliandras/roadrunner-symfony
  4. Set the APP_DIR directive in your environment. (echo "APP_DIR="$(pwd) >> .env)

Use (Windows): From mingw32 (git bash): ./rrserve.sh From command line or powershell terminal: rrserve.exe. Keep in mind that the Windows terminal will not care about the cool coloring of logged messages.

Use (Linux): From terminal: ./rrserve.sh

The application defaults to localhost:8081, you can change the port like this: ./rrserve.sh -o http.address=:80

Special thanks to: All the https://roadrunner.dev/ dev team and https://github.com/dunglas who published the base of this code.